This is old news, but as everyone has heard, Twilight has become such a huge hit that Nordstrom’s has decided to release a New Moon themed clothing line. The clothing line will be launched in October, bringing in many tee’s with sayings like “Bet You Can’t Read My Mind,” “Forks High School,” and of course “Team Edward” and “Team Jacob”. The Twilight attire is coming just in time for the premier of New Moon, THAT WAY fans can dress FASHIONABLY to the opening night— unlike some of the Harry Potter who dress up as wizards while carrying around their wands (NO OFFENSE TO THOSE WHO DO DRESS UP AS VAMPIRES AND WOLVES..) anywaaay..
The Nordstrom website recently set up a page on their website dedicated to New Moon! The site includes 4 wallpapers, two of which have a model standing with cardboard cutouts of our fave vamps and wolves, as seen below! Take a look here for more!