Here are the scans from French Premiere Magazine with Rob Pattinson on the cover. Here is the article translated into English as well!
Here are the scans from French Premiere Magazine with Rob Pattinson on the cover. Here is the article translated into English as well!
Taylor Lautner seems to be peaking over Robert Pattinson with all the latest news, released pictures, and magazine spreads about him. As Lexicon put it “This seems to be the year of the wolf, Taylor Lautner Specifically.” With the countdown towards New Moon still ticking, Teen Vogue released Taylor Lautner on the cover of the magazine and has a full interview with Lautner on being Jacob Black and the paparazzi.
Teen Vogue also has a behind the scene look at the photo shoot, Taylor’s fashion Timline, and so much more!
Be sure to pick up Teen Vogue on stands September 8th!
This is the first single from the debut album of Christian Serratos, Why Are the Boys Like That. Reminder, Christian Serratos plays Angela in Twilight. I had no idea she was trying to pursue a music career. What are your opinions of this song?
David Slade posted this Twitpic on his account. Mmmmm..
We rarely see pictures of Sarah Clarke, who plays Bella Swan’s mother Renee Dwyer. But here she is on the set of eclipse, and I’m sure there will be better pictures surfacing within the next few days.
New Moon wolf pack leader Chaske Spencer has some new pictures out. Go Team Wolf Pack!
More photos can be seen here.
Literally. Look at this picture David Slade captured of Jacob during the Eclipse shoot.
Yesterday the crew began filming for the graduation scene. Pictures are somewhat dull, but still exciting!
Look at this rugged and grimy photo of Taylor Lautner. And THIS is why people are on Team Jacob, he looks good posing in the new issue of Teen Vogue.
In this article, he quotes:
“I think the fans would love anybody who played Jacob. I’m just lucky to be the one who got the chance.”