Pattinson’s Single Life: OK! Magazine

August 4th, 2009 | Robert Pattinson | No Comments »

In the latest interview by OK! magazine (UK verison) Robert stomps on all rumors of him and Kristen and talks about being Edward Cullen, yet again.


Did you have any idea what you were in store for when you signed up for Twilight?

No way. I read the script and I barely even knew that they were books too. The only reason I went to the audition was to see Kristen, because I’d just seen Into The Wild.

Are you saying you had a little bit of a crush on her?
Of course! No, we are just very good friends.

But there have been a lot of rumours about you two…
I know – but honestly, we are just friends.

Do you have a girlfriend?

No, no. I am young, free and single.

What do you look for in a lady?
I like people being forward. Gosh, I don’t know. I like strong people, chiselled abs… I don’t know, I take what I can get!

What is the hardest part of being Edward Cullen?
Probably trying to be scary when you’re supposed to be looking pretty at the same time.

Does it worry you that you may always be cast as a heart-throb?
I’m so surprised things have worked out the way they have, I just keep thinking the whole time, I don’t really have the right personality to fit in to that kind of role.

If you could live forever, like Edward Cullen, what would you do?
Probably learn to speak French. Or I might spend three weeks straight with no sleep learning the piano. You’d get really good at stuff because you would have time to do everything.

You have said that Edward is a little obsessive – are you surprised that girls think of Edward as the most perfect boyfriend ever?
It’s weird, but girls always seem like that. Being a guy, you always just look at girls and think, why are you with that guy? With virtually anyone the nice guys always seem to come last.

To read more you can click here.