According to, Stephenie Meyer is being accused of snagging the storyline of Twilight’s fourth book “Breaking Dawn.” Jordan Scott, the author making accusations against Stephenie, believes that the “Twilight tale contains a striking and substantial similarity” to Scott’s own, “The Nocturne.” Meyer’s rep is claiming that this is a hunk of B.S., and I could not agree more.
HOWEVER, A rep for Scott claims there are a “number of coincidences in the plotlines of the books, including a wedding, a post-wedding sex scene, a woman becoming sick because she’s carrying a child with “evil powers” and the death of a main character.” To see the full article, you can read more at TMZ. .
Please note: This is the second lawsuit brought against Ms. Meyer. In April 2009 her former college roommate, Heidi Stanton, claimed that the whole twilight series were based on a short story she wrote while both studied at Brigham Young University in Utah.
Poor Stephenie, having to deal with all these women trying to steal her claim to fame. Won’t work ladies, she is the one and only.