Entertainment Weekly on New Trailer

August 11th, 2009 | Twilight News | No Comments »

Entertainment Weekly posted an article about the second trailer that is to be released during Bandslam:
“For years now, Hollywood has played a deft bait-and-switch game of announcing that the new trailer for an upcoming Must See Movie would play in front of another film from the same studio that, quite frankly, could maybe do with a box-office boost. So Summit Entertainment’s announcement today that it will put the brand spankin’ new preview for The Twilight Saga: New Moon in front of Summit flick Bandslam when it opens this weekend should shock nobody, especially considering just how crowded this coming weekend will be at the box-office”
The end the article with this statement, “You tell me, PopWatchers: Are you enough of a die-hard Twihard that you’ll buy a ticket to Bandslam just to see the new New Moon trailer? Or are you content to just watch it online?”
For all of you NOT rushing off to Bandslam, check back to see the new trailer come Friday!