Hardwicke’s New Project: Little Red Riding Hood

August 22nd, 2009 | Catherine Hardwicke | No Comments »

The Scorecard Review just released some news about Catherine Hardwicke’s next film to be.


“Director of the first Twilight film Catherine Hardwicke has a new vulnerable female teenage protagonist to bring to life.

She has just signed on to direct a new adaption of the famous Little Red Riding Hood story. As of now, the project is titled The Girl With The Red Riding Hood.

Written by David Johnson, who wrote the Orphan screenplay, this will be a “gothic retelling” of the story, this one focusing on werewolves with a “teenage love triangle at its center.” ”

Seems like Hardwicke is going to be REAL busy considering she is directing a few other films including Hamlet, 21 Jump Street, If I Stay, and Maximum Ride.