Twilight Cast and Their Animals

August 24th, 2009 | Ashley Greene, Kellan Lutz | No Comments »

Kellan Lutz

There has been a little hype with the Twilight cast and their new animals.
There is a full article from Twilight Lexicon discussing Kellan Lutz and Ashley Greene’s pure love for their animals.

“Ashley Greene has brought her new puppy, Marlow, up to Vancouver with her. Kellan Lutz on the other hand has opted to leave his exuberant dog, Kola, at home.
At the Twilight Tour in Atlanta, one fan asked about Kola, and Kellan told a couple of great stories. Kola has every bit as much personality as Kellan does. If you want a great story ask Kellan about the time he has Kola in his truck and the dog needed to “make pit stop” but there was no place to pull over. He acts the story out in full detail where he’s looking to pull over, looking at the dog, trying to talk the dog out of doing the inevitable, and when he finally pulls over the dog refuses to go.”

“Anyway, after such a cute story (and about three more dog stories) one fan asked, “Are you going to take Kola with you to the set?” Kellan responded words to the effect of Oh no! She’s got way too much energy. She needs a yard to run around and lots of attention. I have friends back in LA who can see that she gets the attention and the exercise that she needs.”

I think the above picture from explains it all..