People Magazine Volturi Pics in HQ

August 28th, 2009 | New Moon | 1 Comment »



People Magazine has a new issue featuring never-seen-before pictures of Volturi members – Jane, Demetri, Aro, Alec, and Caius.

In the People Magazine article they state -

“In New Moon, the second installment in Stephenie Meyer’s wildly popular Twilight saga, readers are first introduced to the ancient ruling class of vampires known as the Volturi. Determined to capture their creepy menace for his screen version opening Nov. 20, New Moon director Chris Weitz has given them custom-crafted blood-red eyes.”

“They’re all hand-painted, specially manufactured contacts,” Weitz tells PEOPLE. “They’re opaque red, almost like preying mantis eyes. You can’t really see into them. There’s something terribly off-putting about it.”

You can read the rest of the article here!

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