August, 2009 Archive

Lexicon’s Interview with Lautner

August 28th, 2009 | Taylor Lautner | 1 Comment »

Twilight Lexicon has an interview with Taylor Lautner from the set of New Moon last spring.

Q: With Twilight, Kristen was underage and it presented a big factor in filming. Since you are under 18 has that affected filming in any way?

Taylor: No I can work the same hours as anybody else. I can work adult hours. I tested out of high school, and I am in college right now. So I can work all night- all day all night (laughs)

Q: It makes it easier?

Taylor: Yes-definitely- [we] get a lot of work done

Q: Are there any – not- crazy fan experiences? Are the Canadian fans less aggressive than the US fans?

Taylor: What I’ve found is all Twilight fans are the same anywhere you go. I’ve been all over the world in Australia, Japan…and everybody asks me, “Which ones are better which ones are more passionate?”and I can’t answer. They are all the same: very passionate dedicated fans everywhere you go. So we’ve definitely met some fun fans up here though.

Q: What do you want your fans to see from Jacob in this movie?

I want them at the beginning of this film to see this really happy nice sweet guy that they fall in love with- and then all of a sudden POOF! He’s a completely different guy and not even believe it’s the same dude.

Note, Taylor said he was in college— WHERE? I had no idea!

People Magazine Volturi Pics in HQ

August 28th, 2009 | New Moon | 1 Comment »



People Magazine has a new issue featuring never-seen-before pictures of Volturi members – Jane, Demetri, Aro, Alec, and Caius.

In the People Magazine article they state -

“In New Moon, the second installment in Stephenie Meyer’s wildly popular Twilight saga, readers are first introduced to the ancient ruling class of vampires known as the Volturi. Determined to capture their creepy menace for his screen version opening Nov. 20, New Moon director Chris Weitz has given them custom-crafted blood-red eyes.”

“They’re all hand-painted, specially manufactured contacts,” Weitz tells PEOPLE. “They’re opaque red, almost like preying mantis eyes. You can’t really see into them. There’s something terribly off-putting about it.”

You can read the rest of the article here!

Stephenie Meyer’s on Breaking Dawn

August 27th, 2009 | Stephenie Meyer | No Comments »

Stephenie Meyer’s reveals that she thinks Breaking Dawn should be broken up into two movies. Check out the interview!

Official Volturi Pictures

August 27th, 2009 | New Moon | No Comments »

Dakota Fanning as Jane looks totally awesome.


New Moon Soundtrack Update!

August 27th, 2009 | New Moon | No Comments »
Tags: has just posted about some New Moon soundtrack news!

I just received the following announcement from Atlantic Records (the record label that produced the Twilight Soundtrack):
“The first single has officially been confirmed for the New Moon Soundtrack! Death Cab for Cutie has written an exclusive song for the movie entitled ‘Meet Me On the Equinox.’ Below is a statement from the band about the song:

“We are very excited to be a part of this amazing series of novels set in our own backyard. It just seemed a perfect synergy that a band from the Northwest would create a song for a series of novels set in the Northwest. We wrote ‘Meet Me On the Equinox’ to reflect the celestial themes and motifs that run throughout the Twilight series and we wanted to capture that desperate feeling of endings and beginnings that so strongly affect the main characters. This song marks the first attempt that Death Cab for Cutie has ever made at contributing new, unreleased material for a film and we are proud to be a part of the Twilight legacy.” — Nick Harmer / Death Cab for Cutie

Additionally, we have the exclusive premiere of the soundtrack album cover below! The soundtrack will be in stores on October 20th, 2009, stay tuned for more information!”

Kings of Leon Not on New Moon Soundtrack

August 26th, 2009 | New Moon, Twilight News | 3 Comments »


The recently discuessed blurb from Billboard that revealed that Kings of Leon will NOT be on the New Moon soundtrack.

Here is what the Billboard article says:

Kings of Leon are pondering the release of another single for “Only By Night” — Followill is thumping for “Notion” — but will not, as rumored, be contributing anything to the soundtrack for “New Moon,” the second film in the “Twilight” series.

Twilight’s #1 Fan

August 26th, 2009 | Twilight News | 1 Comment »


This person loves Twilight so much, she even got her nails painted in a twilight-inspired manner. You can see Bella and Alice’s name as well as the “Breaking Dawn” chess piece. How crafty!

Peter Facinelli Photo on Motorcycle

August 26th, 2009 | Peter Facinelli | No Comments »


Look at Mr. Facinelli on his motorcycle. Total badass!

‘Twilight In Forks’: Reveal Of The Documentary’s Poster

August 25th, 2009 | Twilight News | No Comments »
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MTV just posted an article and an exclusive reveal of the Twilight In Forks documentary.

Check it out the full article here!

twilight in forks

By now, Stephenie Meyer fans everywhere have begun buzzing about “Twilight in Forks,” the first-ever documentary about the “Twilight” phenomenon. I’m particularly excited about the movie because I visited the tiny little logging town not too long ago, and it was during that trip that I initially met the crew and heard about the project. Now, as part of the first step in producer York Baur and director Jason Brown’s countdown to the film’s release, the duo have given us the “one sheet” for the flick. So, take a minute and check out the cool art after the jump that will grace the DVD and posters promoting “Twilight in Forks” when it hits stores (and ) October 15th.

I know, I know — if you’re a hardcore Twilighter, you’re probably thinking “I know everything about the world of Edward and Bella already.” Well, I felt the same way at first, but while these guys were filming up and around the real-life Forks, they discovered some things that might open some eyes to the very origins of the “Twilight” saga itself.

“One of the things that makes ‘Twilight’ so unique is how much time Stephenie spent, as almost a journalistic approach, researching [the town’s details] for that original story,” explained Baur. “[‘Twilight’] is about the story [of Bella and Edward] itself, but along the way she documents every nuance of the town so accurately – the names of streets, the distances between things, the actual structures and the businesses. Every detail is in the book, and it’s actually there in the town.”

“An interesting fact about Stephenie’s research is that it’s really accurate — and of course, if you talk to her publicist and herself, they would say she had never been to Forks before she wrote the book,” explained Brown, setting up one of the topics they delve into for the film. “There’s actually a little bit of debate about that that, and it turns up in our movie.”

Are you excited to see “Twilight in Forks?” Will it help you hang in there until the November 20th “New Moon” opening?

Thank you, MTV!

OPINIONS??? Will you watch this?

Latest MTV Interview with Lautner and Stewart

August 25th, 2009 | Kristen Stewart, New Moon, Taylor Lautner | No Comments »

Our favorite New Moon-ers Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner talk about their favorite scenes, the break up scene, along with some other details about the movie in a recent interview with MTV.
Check it out:


MTV: He is very huggable. Tell us about one scene that you read either in Stephenie Meyer’s book or in Melissa Rosenberg’s screenplay that you were like, “Man, that’s going to be tough to pull off,” and tell us how you were able to figure it out.

Stewart: “New Moon” is riddled with all of that. I think it’s the one book in the series that I was intimidated by — in a good way. That’s the best feeling to start a movie with. But probably, my favorite line in the book is when I have to say to [Jacob], “It’s him; it’s always been him!” Like, I have to say that. Yeah, it killed me, it killed me.

MTV: It was a tough day to shoot?

Stewart: Yeah, and just like everything in our movie, it’s such a heightened version of reality. It’s like, people don’t just break up [in the "Twilight" films] — they break up and it literally kills you. It’s not like you just say, “Oh, I’m really depressed and crying.” Everything is supposed to be a fantasy version of that. So I always had a really hard time figuring out, “Am I doing enough? Do I look like I’m going to die?”

MTV: Yeah, it would be tough to be the most dramatic person in the world, but without being cheesy. And Taylor?

Lautner: ["New Moon"] is very complicated. There’s a lot of heartbreak, there’s a lot of things going on. Edward leaves at the beginning, she goes into this depression, I come to try and bring her out of it. Then I go through my own issues, and then she leaves me. It’s all over the place, and there’s a lot going on, and there’s many of those scenes that you described.

MTV: Which was your favorite to shoot?

Lautner: My favorite one was — well, we call it the breakup scene — but it’s the scene right after she sees me shirtless and I’ve cut off my hair, all different for the first time. I have to tell her that we can’t be friends anymore.