Eclipse director David Slade updated his Twitter to say he filmed with Rob Pattinson and Kristen Stewart. He didn’t speak of the specific scene, but with the loud airplanes it must’ve been outside.
August, 2009 Archive
Eclipse Update Tweet: Robert Kristen Scenes
August 25th, 2009 | David Slade, Eclipse | No Comments »Ideas for Bella’s Wedding Dress
August 24th, 2009 | Breaking Dawn | 2 Comments »Tags: Bella Swan
Some designers have been pondering over the style of Bella’s wedding dress for Breaking Dawn. InStyle did an entire spread of potential wedding dresses, but keep in mind that it was Alice who ultimately chose a vintage looking dress for Bella.
Here is one idea of a dress. What does you like the most?
RobPattzNewz Personal Eclipse Set Photos
August 24th, 2009 | Eclipse | No Comments »shares her account of Eclipse set activity! She has a collection of videos and pics from Week One on the Eclipse Set here.
Kristen Stewart’s Upcoming Roles
August 24th, 2009 | Kristen Stewart, Nikki Reed | 2 Comments »Kristen Stewart has an upcoming role in , of course, The Runaways. However, she is dealing with some more racy films in the future. In Welcome to the Riley’s Kristen will be playing a troubled stripper and prostitute, while baring skin in her first nude scene. Furthermore, Kristen Stewart and Nikki Reed are in action again for another upcoming movie, K-11. If the whole prostitution route for the one movie didn’t seem strange enough— in K-11, Kristen Stewart and Nikki Reed BOTH will be playing male transexual characters.
Doesn’t this give off the “wrong image” after attracting a huge pull of youngsters from the Twilight Series films?
Jackson Rathbone Anti-Smoking Commercial
August 24th, 2009 | Jackson Rathbone | No Comments »A few posts ago, I showed the Discover commercial featuring Jackson Rathbone. Check out another one of his commercials which is an ad for anti-smoking, rather funny.
Twilight Cast and Their Animals
August 24th, 2009 | Ashley Greene, Kellan Lutz | No Comments »There has been a little hype with the Twilight cast and their new animals.
There is a full article from Twilight Lexicon discussing Kellan Lutz and Ashley Greene’s pure love for their animals.
“Ashley Greene has brought her new puppy, Marlow, up to Vancouver with her. Kellan Lutz on the other hand has opted to leave his exuberant dog, Kola, at home.
At the Twilight Tour in Atlanta, one fan asked about Kola, and Kellan told a couple of great stories. Kola has every bit as much personality as Kellan does. If you want a great story ask Kellan about the time he has Kola in his truck and the dog needed to “make pit stop” but there was no place to pull over. He acts the story out in full detail where he’s looking to pull over, looking at the dog, trying to talk the dog out of doing the inevitable, and when he finally pulls over the dog refuses to go.”
“Anyway, after such a cute story (and about three more dog stories) one fan asked, “Are you going to take Kola with you to the set?” Kellan responded words to the effect of Oh no! She’s got way too much energy. She needs a yard to run around and lots of attention. I have friends back in LA who can see that she gets the attention and the exercise that she needs.”
I think the above picture from explains it all..
Intense Victoria and Riley Scene
August 23rd, 2009 | Bryce Dallas Howard, Eclipse, Twilight News, Xavier Samuel | No Comments »LaineyGossip has this juicy and exciting kissing picture from the Twilight Saga: Eclipse film shoot
Click here to see the full article and more pictures of the sort.
Ashley Greene and Xavier Samuel Out and About
August 23rd, 2009 | Ashley Greene, Eclipse, Twilight News, Xavier Samuel | No Comments »Eclipse stars Ashley Greene and Xavier Samuel were spotted out and about in Vancouver. The Twi-stars were seen leaving the hotel together for an evening out after a busy week filming on the third installment.
Rare Xavier Samuel Photo
August 23rd, 2009 | Eclipse, Xavier Samuel | No Comments »I totally underestimated his looks! Xavier Samuel — Eclipse’s Riley, is a 10!
First Week Tweet at Eclipse
August 22nd, 2009 | David Slade, Eclipse | No Comments »David Slade, director of Eclipse, revealed via Twitter that the first week of filming is a wrap!