Rathbone Jackson Releases His Powers

September 2nd, 2009 | Jackson Rathbone, New Moon | No Comments »

MTV did an article with Jackson Rathbone where he discusses his “powers” and how they are first seen in New Moon! Check out a little blurb and video!

MTV: And is that the first time we’ll see your powers?

Rathbone: Actually, in “New Moon,” we get a little glimpse. Inside the school.

MTV: How was it to film scenes where you were influencing the emotions of those around you?

Rathbone: It was fun. I just played it very naturally, like, if you have these special powers — like Edward has the ability to read minds — it’s not like he’s going to [get overly dramatic] and go, “You’re hungry!” No, it’s a natural thing, like the human ability to smell or to hear is a natural ability. To affect the mental state of anyone around you [I depicted Jasper as] keeping it all right in the eyes. Just thinking it and transferring it through the eyes, which are the windows to the soul — even to the soulless.

MTV: And will it be clear to the audience that this emotion-manipulation is going on?

Rathbone: In “New Moon,” when we see it? It’s pretty obvious.

You can read more here!