New Moon Soundtrack List Released Friday

September 17th, 2009 | New Moon | No Comments »


According to the NY Times, the New Moon soundtrack  list will be announced to the public on Friday, September 18th. Ms. Patsavas from Chop Shop Records released that the soundtrack will be released October 20th.  She also gives some other key information as what other bands may be on the highly anticipated cd.

Ms. Patsavas, known for her work on television shows like “Grey’s Anatomy” and “Gossip Girl,” said she was confident that the “New Moon” soundtrack would include Thom Yorke, Bon Iver and Band of Skulls. Death Cab for Cutie’s “Meet Me on the Equinox,” the first single, had its premiere on on Sunday, as part of a “Twilight” promotional blitz surrounding MTV’s Video Music Awards. There has been extensive speculation in the music industry all summer about who else would be included. Representatives of Grizzly Bear and the Killers said those groups would be on the soundtrack, but Ms. Patsavas declined to comment, saying that the track list would be completed and announced on Friday.

To read the full article from the NY times, click here.