October, 2009 Archive

MTV’s Rob O’Lantern Pumpkin Contest

October 27th, 2009 | Twilight News | No Comments »


MTV’s Hollywood Crush has announced the first finalist in their Robert Pattinson Rob O’Lantern Pumpkin Contest.

Read the rest of the article at MTV

Another Lutz MTV Interview

October 27th, 2009 | Kellan Lutz | No Comments »

MTV has an interview with Kellan Lutz. In the interview he talks about the differences in the Twilight films including directors, his favorite New Moon scene, his character and his favorite new characters.

Read everything at MTV.

Team Jacob Wall Decal

October 26th, 2009 | Twilight News | 3 Comments »

Most of you have seen the Edward wall decal, but now there is one for TEAM JACOB fans too.

Available here to buy.

MTV Jackson Rathbone Interview

October 25th, 2009 | Jackson Rathbone | 1 Comment »


Jackson Rathbone has another interview with MTV.

In the interview Jackson talks all about his role and scenes in Eclipse.

You can get the full details at MTV.

Here is an excerpt:

“I got to go back into my old roots, got to ride some horses again, which was nice. Got to put these riding boots to use, which is good,” Rathbone said, motioning to his boots. “I actually can ride a horse.”

Jasper’s backstory, which takes place during the Civil War, will be told through flashbacks, Rathbone confirmed. Though the explanation of Jasper’s history takes up a good portion of the novel, he hinted that the film version would be shorter.

“It was just really fantastic to get to delve in there and to get to don all the Civil War regalia and whatnot. That was a pleasure,” he said. “I had to wear this wool suit of a major, cavalry major. “I got the big hat and everything. Hop off the horse, bow to these ladies, and then I get eaten. And then I get turned!”


ANOTHER New Moon Clip Release

October 25th, 2009 | New Moon | 1 Comment »

OK! Magazine Reveals Eclipse Secrets

October 23rd, 2009 | Twilight News | No Comments »


OK! Magazine brings us some secrets from the Eclipse set.  However, take it with a grain of salt, OK! is not always the best source.

1. Kristen kisses Rob — then laughs!

Not to ruin the illusion, but after Rob and Kristen, who play Edward and Bella, shoot their big kissing scenes, they break out laughing — then go chain-smoke. “Kristen’s the first to laugh, cracking up like a schoolgirl,” an on-set source tells OK!. On the other hand, the passionate Bella-Jacob kissing scene in Eclipse is serious business. Author Stephenie Meyer insists it be faithful to the book. During that one kissing scene, “Taylor Lautner was way into it,” the insider says. “He didn’t break character after director David Slade yelled, ‘Cut!’ ”

2. Competition in the weight room

Cast members spend hours in the gym (the vamps need upper-body strength for flight scenes; the wolf pack have to show off their abs). Chaske Spencer, who plays wolf-pack leader Sam Uley, charts Rob’s reps. “Chaske keeps track of how much weight Rob lifts,” castmate Julia Jones (Leah Clearwater) tells OK!, “and, if he can, tries to beat him!”

3. Eclipse’s “other name”

Security on Eclipse is so tight, the producers at Summit Entertainment hired off-duty SWAT-team members to guard the set and trailers. Some of the cops rearranged their vacations to work on the movie, boasting to fans that “the pay is three times better, and the work is 10 times easier,” a source tells OK!. And if you’re scouring Vancouver to find the set, here’s a hint: You know those location signs movie companies hang on telephone poles? Look for the ones that say, “Untitled Sports Movie.”

4. Kellan and Ashley are extremely close

They’re paired with other partners onscreen — he with Nikki Reed, and she with Jackson Rathbone — but Kellan Lutz and Ashley Greene are constant companions. “They live next to each other in the same Vancouver apartment complex,” an insider tells OK!. “They drive to locations together, eat lunch together and go to the gym together.” Is their spark more than platonic? Sources close to the pair insist they’re just best friends.

5. They play games — and Kellan’s got a kazoo!

Since Twilight filming began, Kellan and Ashley have rotated hosting trivia evenings for the cast, says co- star Peter Facinelli. They’ve even played the Twilight board game. “It’s mostly questions about the movies,” Peter tells OK!. “We get stuff wrong. It’s really sad. But it’s fun when we get together. Rob and Jackson will pull out their guitars, and Kellan will pull out his kazoo. I wish I had musical talent!”

Twilight Nominations for People’s Choice

October 19th, 2009 | Twilight News | No Comments »


Many from the Twilight cast and crew are nominated for People's Choice awards. Here is the rundown.

Taylor Lautner is nominated for FAVORITE BREAKOUT MOVIE ACTOR.

Anna Kendrick is nominated for FAVORITE BREAKOUT MOVIE ACTRESS.

Twilight is nominated for FAVORITE MOVIE.

Robert Pattinson is nominated for FAVORITE MOVIE ACTOR.

Kristen Stewart is nominated for FAVORITE MOVIE ACTRESS.

Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner are nominated for FAVORITE ON SCREEN TEAM.

New Footage of New Moon on E!Online

October 19th, 2009 | Twilight News | No Comments »

Seventeen Magazine Interview with Mr. Lautner

October 15th, 2009 | Taylor Lautner | 1 Comment »


Here is the latest interview with Taylor Lautner from Seventeen Magazine:

How old were you when you had your first kiss?“It was sometime in junior high. I don’t remember what year, but it was definitely in junior high. I think it was just with a random girl from school. I mean, it’s not like I walked up to her and was like ‘You’re just a random girl and I’m going to kiss you,’ but just a girl from school, and we had a little thing in junior high.”
What’s the girl fashion trend that confuses the heck out of you?“I have one that sometimes I don’t understand and sometimes I think is really cute: leg warmers. Sometimes it looks really awkward, like Why are you wearing those? and sometimes it’s like, that’s pretty cute. Maybe it’s the girl or has something to do with wearing them on a sunny day. Like when it’s California weather and it’s 90 degrees, you don’t need to be wearing them. Maybe that’s the answer: The fashion trend I don’t understand — leg warmers when it’s 90 degrees out!”
What’s the chick flick you secretly love?“It’s definitely girly: The Notebook. And A Walk to Remember.”
Who would play you in the movie version of your life?“Everybody else always says Johnny Depp, but I wouldn’t mind Brad Pitt or Matt Damon. When people ask me whose career I’d want to have, I say Matt Damon. I love the Bourne series.”
If you could trade places with anyone in the world for one day, who would it be?Brian Austin Green, because he gets to date Megan Fox!
Who in your family are you closest to?“My sister because she looks up to me, but I also look up to her in a way. She’s younger, she’s only 10, so I’m probably going to be one of those brothers who are watching her with boys, which she’s probably not going to like too much.”
What’s your favorite Web site?“I’m not on the computer that much, but I used to go to this Web site called addictinggames.com. It has the coolest games and a lot of variety, so whenever I was bored, I would just go on that.” 
What’s your worst habit?“I bounce my knees, but I do not have restless leg syndrome. I did an interview, I don’t even know who it was with, and they said I told them I have restless leg syndrome and it distracts me from my work. I do not have any syndrome. I actually have many friends [like me] who just bounce their knees.”
Being that you have tons of screaming fans, is it easy for you to talk to girls?“[Laughs] Oh, I definitely wouldn’t say I overcame that. I guess it just depends on the girl. Sometimes I’ll feel free to completely open up, and I wish I could do that more often because that’s what I look for in a girl. Someone that can open up and be herself, but no, I definitely haven’t overcome it completely.”
What’s the last song you listened to on your iPod?“It was actually a techno song. I listen to them to get pumped up on set.”
What’s the last thing you bought?“Last night’s steak [dinner].”
What did you dream about last night?“I don’t remember. I never remember my dreams.”
How much money is in your wallet right now?“I don’t have a wallet with me.”
What’s a relationship deal breaker for you?“If a girl doesn’t know how to smile or laugh or if they try to play cool all the time. Playing hard to get is not the way to win me over. I’m definitely more for the girl who can smile and laugh all the time and just have a good time!”
Do you play any instruments?“I’ve always kind of had an interest in the drums but nothing else. The drums are the only thing I feel I would be good at, because I’m a very physical person. I’ve always played sports and stuff. Drums would give me something to do.”
Fill in the blank: When I look back at 17, I’ll remember…

“Being on the set filming New Moon or Eclipse, because both of them occur while I’m 17. And New Moon has definitely been a blast so far, with the whole cast and crew. That’s definitely going to be it.”

Animated New Moon Poster

October 14th, 2009 | New Moon, Twilight News | No Comments »

Check out this animated New Moon Poster!

New Moon
