Nikki Reed Interview with Spin

November 25th, 2009 | Nikki Reed | No Comments »

Nikki Reed

Here is the latest interview with Nikki Reed from Spin Magazine.

Do you have a go-to karaoke song?
I don’t drink, and karaoke is something you should only do drunk. But I’m obsessed with Adele. I put on “Chasing Pavements” and sing it in my apartment. The great thing about Adele is if you put her on top volume, you actually sound like her while you’re singing. I’ve gotten a few complaints from the neighbors.

What’s the most prized T-shirt in your collection?
[Friend and New Moon star] Kristen [Stewart] and I share a lot of clothes, so I wear a lot of Joan Jett shirts.

Kristen is playing her in a movie.
Yeah, Joan made replicas of the ones she used to wear in the ’80s and gave them to us.

What’s the last concert you attended?
I saw the Dead Weather in Vancouver, where we’re shooting [the third Twilight film] Eclipse. I got really into Jack White two years ago because of my friend Sage. She quizzes me on rock music, asking me things like “Who’s your favorite Beatle?”

So who is your favorite Beatle?
I guess Paul McCartney. This is going to be a controversial thing to say, but I don’t really understand the Beatles. If Kristen were here right now, she would slap me across the face. Then again, if I ask her, “What’s the first line of Biggie’s ‘Juicy’?” she wouldn’t know. Why don’t people sit around and talk about Ol’ Dirty Bastard the way they do the Beatles?