Miley Cyrus calls Twilight a “cult”

November 28th, 2009 | Twilight News | 2 Comments »

miley cyrus

It is clear that Miley Cryus has a tremendous fan base, but nothing in comparison to the twifans. I believe that Miley just lost a few fans from her latest quote on the twilight fandom:

“I think it’s like [a] cult… I think it’s a cult,” Miley tells Sirius XM’s The Morning Mash Up in an interview that aired on Tuesday. “I think it’s bad. I think it’s like, just people get too into it.”

“For me, I think it’s like when guys look at supermodels and they’re like, ‘That’s the perfect girl,’ … That’s what those kind of movies do to us,” Miley says on The Morning Mash Up. “They’re like thinking that’s what girls should be like and not everyone is going to be Edward, hate to say it.”

“Johnny Depp is way hotter than Robert Pattinson, for sure,” the Hannah Montana star said.

Read more here.

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