E! Online Bang for Your Buck Movie List

December 26th, 2009 | New Moon | 2 Comments »
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New Moon, Robert Pattinson

E! has an interesting look at “The Year’s Biggest Bombs” only they put a twist on the words. It’s a look at what was spent to make a movie vs. what that movie made back in ticket sales.  Some interesting stats according to E!

1. New Moon beat Harry Potter. In bang for buck. New Moon made more than 12 times its $50 million budget ($635 million worldwide); Half-Blood Prince “only” made about four times its $250 million price tag.

2. Harry Potter beat everything. The sixth boy-wizard adventure was the year’s overall No. 1 film, with $924 million in the worldwide bank, even if Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen was the No. 1 film domestically—and the only one to top $400 milllion stateside.

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