Here is the list of potential scenes or scenes that us Twilight readers would love to be in The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
1. Charlie passing notes between Bella and Jacob. – To me this just shows how bad things got between Jacob and Bella. And just how bad its hurting Jacob (Arggg, I cant believe I just said that because I am so not a Jacob fan. Team Edward all the way!!)
2. All of the newspaper articles about Seattle. – If we didn’t have this then a lot of people who didn’t read the book would be very lost.
3. The trip to see Renee. – I think this is a must because, otherwise Renee would never see how Bella and Edward act together.
4. The English note conversation.- Ok I’ll admit it, this isn’t a major thing but I just love the scene so much. I had to throw it in here, plus it’s a good follow up on the trip.
5. Save the Olympic Wolf/ Jacob scene – This Scene shows how much Bella misses Jacob and the fact that you have to work fast when there’s a psychic vampire involved.
6. Angela and Bella – Its nice to see Bella hang out with other people, other than the Cullens.
7. Alice kidnapping Bella – The amazing Porsche finally comes into play. Bella and Alice get to spend more time together. Also Rosalie becomes a little bit like-able.
8. Jacobs school rescue. – it’s a nice little touch.
9. (MIA) Room – When they really start to realize that someone is after Bella
10. Knife incident – Edward gets to be light-hearted and funny.
11. Bon fire – Bella first gets the idea of the third wife
12. Jasper’s Story – Who doesn’t love hearing about Jasper’s past, plus it helps Bella understand being a newborn vampire a little bit more
13. The kiss – Jacob trying to make Bella realize that she loves him to, so he kisses her. Really how can this not be in it. And a bonus Emmett gets to have his very famous funny line.
14. The bet – I know that this one is small, but I like it
15. Graduation/party – A lot happens Bella figures out some major information and everyone finally gets to see the Cullens’ house. Jacob also makes Bella a bracelet (which I own)
16. Training – MAJOR
17. Comprise – MAJOR, MAJOR. Hello this is like the biggest must have ever. I say every little detail should be in the movie.
18. The tent – Bella realizes she loves both Jacob and Edward
19. The fight – need I say more
20. Poor Jacob – Jacob’s whole right side of his body is broken. Bella gets to spend time with him alone. it’s a very cute scene
21. Planning – Alice finds out she gets to plan a wedding.