New York Magazine’s Vulture have paraphrased what we’ve all been thinking about the imminent Breaking Dawn movie:
Really, can you imagine any actors besides Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, and Taylor Lautner starring in the probable fifth Twilight movie in which characters will be impregnated with demon babies, given C-sections by vampire fang, and made smitten by preternaturally talkative half-vampire infants? We sure can’t. As such, if the fourth book, Breaking Dawn, is indeed split into two films, Summit Entertainment will have to open up its wallet: The Hollywood Reporter says there are still no deals in place to bring back any of the principals past a fourth movie — “and they’re not even close,” apparently. Given that Twilight has made Pattinson, Stewart, and Lautner the world’s three most famous people, it’s unlikely they’ll return for cheap, so you can probably consider this confirmation that Breaking Dawn will be shot in ticket-price-raising 3-D. And if any scientists out there discover a fourth dimension before Dawn starts filming this fall, Summit would probably like a word with you.