Vogue.com has posted an article about Robert Pattinson and his co-star Emilie de Ravine, both who are starring in Remember Me. The article will be released in March 2010. The Vogue site has also posted some better quality photos from the shoot of Pattinson and de Ravine. Below is the article!
Here they’re talking about filming in New York, where fans and paparazzi were constantly at the set.
Ask Robert Pattinson and Emilie de Ravin about shooting their new movie, Remember Me, and they instantly start talking about the throngs of Twilight fans and pushy paparazzi who swarmed around them as they filmed on the streets of New York.
“It was the most ridiculous experience,” says Pattinson, flashing the sweet, shy smile those crowds hoped to see. “You’re trying to stay in character and you’re trying to walk down the street, but all those people keep reminding you that you’re not this character, you’re—”
“A show pony,” cracks de Ravin, and the two burst into laughter.
And dealing with being in the public eye.
“Everybody knows where everybody is,” he says. “The Twitter thing is unbelievable. I went out a couple of times with Pierce. He’s totally recognizable, and he makes no effort to tone it down. Some people were glancing over at us in the restaurant, and he just went over and introduced himself. And it does work. It dissipates all the attention.”
So, does Pattinson use this trick?
“Me?” he says, shaking those famously tousled locks, “I just crawl under the table.”
Read the rest of the article here.