“In a recent interview with Film.com Melissa Rosenberg, screenwriter for the first three Twilight Saga movies, assured that the last chapter in the Saga would be PG-13 and the film would stay true to the book.
“In this series, you don’t sacrifice anything,” Rosenberg commented. “There are some movies that wouldn’t play at PG-13, like ‘The Hangover,’ but this is just not one of them for me. Again, if you’re capturing character, emotion and emotional journey, you’re OK.”
Rosenberg got the most pressing question of the final installment that we’ve heard lately: Who will direct Breaking Dawn?
“It’s definitely not up to me,” she said during the interview. “I’ve seen lists and weighed in, and they always welcome input, which is lovely, but ultimately it’s [Summit Entertainment's] decision, and they’ll do what they do, and I’ll work with whomever they choose. I had no knowledge of the first three directors, and it worked. Generally speaking, [the candidates] are people I haven’t worked with before.”