April, 2010 Archive

Charlie Bewley Changes Hairstyle!

April 12th, 2010 | Twilight News | 2 Comments »

A couple of weeks ago, Charlie Bewley  that he has been told to cut his “mane and tusks” (hair and sideburns) to look more “USA”, I so he can get more American roles.

I have been ordered to remove my tusks and reins in order to look more USA 

Charlie-Bewley put up a before and after pic comparison of Charlie now that he has chopped his hair.

More ‘The Runaways’ Stills

April 12th, 2010 | Twilight News | No Comments »




New Eclipse Wall Calendar

April 9th, 2010 | Eclipse | No Comments »

Here are some new Eclipse character images from an upcoming Eclipse 2011 16-month wall calendar.

Thanks to Loving Rob.

Oprah Winfrey Looking for Twilight Fans

April 9th, 2010 | Twilight News | No Comments »

The Oprah Winfrey Show is looking for Twilight fans to appear on the show! It is not clear whether the actors will be there, however.

Are you or your kids obsessed with the Twilight series? Have you or your kids read all the books, seen both movies and now you are counting down the days until the release of Eclipse? Have you already
made plans for the release of the newest movie in June? Who’s your
family’s favorite Twilight star…and why?

Why do you love the story so much? How has it impacted your life? What have you learned from the series and how has it made you a better person? Are you a housewife who’s started a fan club with friends? Do
you have a young adult in your family who’s been inspired to write
his/her own stories? Has the romance in Twilight sparked the romance in
your own relationship?

To enter, click here. Good luck!


Happy 20th Birthday Kristen!

April 9th, 2010 | Kristen Stewart | No Comments »


Edward Cullen Everlasting Game

April 9th, 2010 | Twilight News | No Comments »

All you need to do is stare at the picture for approximately 30 seconds and you can see Edward anywhere.

Bill Condon as Breaking Dawn Director

April 9th, 2010 | Twilight News | No Comments »

With the word that director Bill Condon is leading the race to helm a possible two-partBreaking DawnMTV decided to give us a list of pros and cons for Condon as director of the final installment of The Twilight Saga.

Tales From The Dark Side
Condon has flirted with a variety of different genres, and the combination could definitely serve him well as the director of “Breaking Dawn.” “Sister, Sister” and “Candyman,” his earliest features, are firmly rooted in the horror/thriller vein. Neither is particularly memorable, but we at least know he has an understanding of how to embrace the darkness.

Condon’s experience in multiple genres and entertainment mediums is also an indication that he’s not locked into one way of thinking. The man gets around, and he does strong work where he goes. “Gods and Monsters” is very clearly not “Chicago,” and yet both earned him Oscar nominations.

Name Branding
“Twilight” has been an enormously successful series, as we all know. The directors so far have all been notable names in one way or another, but Condon feels a bit next-level. All three of the shortlist candidates Summit is/was after do, really. I don’t necessarily think that “Breaking Dawn” — whether it’s one movie or broken into two — is the sort of film that wins an Oscar, but capping off the series with someone of Condon’s caliber would be a masterful cherry on top for Summit.

It’s All In The Writing
Condon’s two Academy Award honors — the nomination for “Chicago” and the win for “Gods and Monsters” — recognized his writing. Melissa Rosenberg has been the series writer up to this point, and there’s no reason to think she won’t write “Breaking Dawn” as well. As director, Condon will certainly have some amount of flexibility with the script. But it still won’t be his and his alone.

Song And Dance
Of Condon’s big successes, “Dreamgirls” and “Chicago” rank among the tops. And maybe I’m wrong — I haven’t actually read the “Twilight” books — but I’m pretty sure there are no musical numbers in any of the “Twilight” stories. I wonder what the reaction would be if “Breaking Dawn” featured Bollywood-style musical interludes.

Out Of Touch?
Condon and “Twilight” director Catherine Hardwicke are almost exactly the same age, 55; their birthdays are just a single day apart. Hardwicke has one advantage that Condon didn’t, however: she was once a teenage girl. The popularity of “Twilight” stems largely from its appeal to female readers who are or once were in Bella’s shoes as an awkward, pubescent teenage girl (not as a vampire’s girlfriend). Many fans think that Chris Weitz captured the story just fine in “New Moon,” and Condon could certainly do the same with “Breaking Dawn.” It’s definitely something to think about though.


Victoria Takes a Bite of Riley

April 7th, 2010 | Bryce Dallas Howard, Eclipse | No Comments »


Here is Victoria taking a bite of Riley


A Chance at Vampire Immortality?

April 7th, 2010 | Twilight News | No Comments »

Body Fantasies Vampire Fragrance is sponsoring a contest where three winners will get their Vampire Fantasies, *key word fantasies*  Immortalized forever!

All you have to do is click this link here and submit your fantasy.  The contest ends this Friday at 6:00pm, three lucky winners will have their fantasy printed on the side of every box, immortalized forever!

Example of one entry:

“To be like Alice and know the future.” And “An eternity with Edward.”

Breaking Dawn WILL BE PG-13

April 7th, 2010 | Breaking Dawn | 1 Comment »

“In a recent interview with Film.com Melissa Rosenberg, screenwriter for the first three Twilight Saga movies, assured that the last chapter in the Saga would be PG-13 and the film would stay true to the book.
“In this series, you don’t sacrifice anything,” Rosenberg commented. “There are some movies that wouldn’t play at PG-13, like ‘The Hangover,’ but this is just not one of them for me. Again, if you’re capturing character, emotion and emotional journey, you’re OK.”

Rosenberg got the most pressing question of the final installment that we’ve heard lately: Who will direct Breaking Dawn?

“It’s definitely not up to me,” she said during the interview. “I’ve seen lists and weighed in, and they always welcome input, which is lovely, but ultimately it’s [Summit Entertainment's] decision, and they’ll do what they do, and I’ll work with whomever they choose. I had no knowledge of the first three directors, and it worked. Generally speaking, [the candidates] are people I haven’t worked with before.”
