July, 2010 Archive

Interview with Eclipse Costume Designer Tish Monaghan

July 10th, 2010 | Eclipse, Robert Pattinson, Xavier Samuel | No Comments »

This article is right up my alley! My two favorite things: Twilight and fashion. The EW has an Interview with Eclipse Costume Designer Tish Monaghan, as as always- she kept the style simple yet suave.

Check it all out here to learn about the clothes.

Here is an excerpt:

• Even at the film’s premiere, people squealed when Taylor Lautner turned around in that black T-shirt.
“It was almost embarrassing. I felt so bad for him,” Monaghan says, with a laugh. “They were screaming and going ‘Wooooo!’” As she’d done on New Moon, her M.O. was to put him in smaller size Gap or Banana Republic T-shirts to emphasize his biceps, tightening the tees around the arm holes and taking them in down the side. (Pattinson wore Gap T-shirts, exclusively, she adds. “They were what fit him best. They had the best colors. So that’s what he ended up wearing, even when Edward takes Bella up to the tent. It may strike people as odd, but he doesn’t feel temperature, so that’s why we only put him in a shirt, and Bella’s all bundled up, and Jacob, of course, is running around shirtless.”

Ashley Greene in Asos Magazine

July 8th, 2010 | Ashley Greene | No Comments »


To view more clips from Asos Magazine,

Dakota Fanning on Flare Cover

July 7th, 2010 | Dakota Fanning | No Comments »

For August 2010

Pattinson and Stewart Visit Fans

July 7th, 2010 | Eclipse, Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson | No Comments »

Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson shock fans at a local IMAX theatre in Los Angeles.

“I hope you like the movie because otherwise this’d be really embarrassing. Yeah, thanks for making sort of such a special opening weekend for us,” Robert Pattinson continued.

“You guys all like it, though?” he asked the crowds, who of course broke out in screams.

Peter Facinelli in FHM Shoot

July 7th, 2010 | Peter Facinelli | 1 Comment »

The full shoot and an interview will appear in the August 2010 issue of FHM. Until then, just take a look at these studly pictures  here:

peterthree Peter Facinelli: no vampire chic here please

peterone Peter Facinelli: no vampire chic here please

petertwo Peter Facinelli: no vampire chic here please

Pattinson Smackin’ Lautner’s Ass

July 7th, 2010 | Eclipse, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner | No Comments »

This article/video is pretty funny about Rob and Taylor on the set of Eclipse.

While talking to Access Hollywood, and  discussed the scenes where the two had to fight (for Bella, played by ) but when the cameras stopped rolling, the two friends were very chummy with each other.

The tension between the two characters didn’t affect the actors. Taylor admits that hating Edward is hard because of Robert, who’s a great guy. “One of the most challenging things about filming this was having to hate Edward because I’m looking at Rob.”

What did Rob say about Taylor? When asked about laughing between takes he added “Especially when he’s wearing his little spandex outfit. It’s great when he goes “If you come near her again…” and then you just slap him on the ass.”

Taylor Lautner Considered for X-Men

July 6th, 2010 | Taylor Lautner | No Comments »

Celebrity Mania reported that Taylor Lautner may be in the running for the new X-Men-First Class. Perfect fit for Mr. Lautner? I think so. Read below for the except from Celebrity Mania.

is allegedly being considered for a role in ““. Along with report that Benjamin Walker, who was previously reported to be cast as Beast, have dropped out from the action fantasy project, Showbiz 411 reported that 20th Century Fox has placed a special interest at the Jacob Black of the “Twilight Saga” to be a part of the cast ensemble.

It is noted that the studio has gone as far as checking Taylor’s availability before pitching a specific role to him. Though so, it is still unclear what kind of character will be offered to the 18-year-old actor. Should the story is true, the “” lead actor will be seen teaming up with  and Michael Fassbender.

Fox have hired Matthew Vaughn to helm “X-Men: First Class”, which is expected to start filming this summer. This movie will revolve around the epic beginning of the X-Men saga, detailing the early life of Professor X and Magneto, who will be played by James and Michael respectively. It eyes a U.S. release on June 3, 2011.


Donate to American Red Cross- Twilight Style

July 5th, 2010 | Stephenie Meyer, Twilight News | No Comments »
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Bree Tanner is introduced to us in Eclipse, so I find it only appropriate to resend this friendly reminder! As you all know, Stephenie Meyer released a 5th short book, The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner. The cover states that for every hard copy sold, $1.00 will be donated to the American Red Cross.


However, if you are feeling a little more giving, you can donate now on the American Red Cross website!

Just click here to donate now.

Official Eclipse Music Videos

July 5th, 2010 | Twilight News | No Comments »
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Below is the official Eclipse Music Videos. The song is Eclipse- All Yours by Metric and Neutron Star Collison by Muse.

Do YOU think it is a good fit for the Twilight Saga: Eclipse?

Is IMAX the Way to Go?

July 5th, 2010 | Eclipse | No Comments »


… Apparently not! One reviewer from ABC gives the IMAX experience poor ratings since it  magnifies flaws not seen on the smaller screen. Read the quote below.

“I couldn’t help but notice that IMAX is very unforgiving. So much of “Eclipse” is close-up shots, meaning that Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson , Taylor Lautner and the rest of the cast had their faces magnified to the point where they were two stories tall. And, uh, it didn’t do such great things for them.
Kristen’s hair was so obviously a wig and it was driving me nuts. Really, would it be so hard to give that thing a part? Then it wouldn’t be so glaring. Ditto for Ashley Greene—can’t they use her real, gorgeous hair rather than that hacked-up wig? Homegirl looks like she cuts her hair herself with pinking shears.
Speaking of the Cullen clan, Edward and crew didn’t look pale; they looked like they had pan makeup congregating in the corners of their mouths. And they didn’t look like their eyes were crazy colors; you could actually see their contact lens lines.”
