In an article posted by the NY Daily News , Amanda Seyfried the star of the upcoming film Red Riding Hood gives an interview in Interview magazine’s March issue where she responds to comments about he similarity of Red Riding Hood to the Twilight series.
Amanda Seyfriend responds to the allegations that Red Riding Hood is similar to the Twilight series, specifically the first movie, in her interview within Interview Magazine’s March issue.
Why are people say the two films are similar?
1. The two have the same director, Catherine Hardwicke, who apparently gives off the same vibe within her movies.
2. Critics have pointed out similar storylines: a love triangle, supernatural occurrences and gruesome murders.
However, Amanda Seyfried has stated that Little Red Riding hood and Twilight are totally different, stating, “We have so many elements that make it completely different. Seyfriend also added that the movie is a modernized version of the story.