Catherine Hardwicke

“Red Riding Hood” vs. “Twilight”

February 20th, 2011 | Catherine Hardwicke | 1 Comment »
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In an article posted by the NY Daily News , Amanda Seyfried the star of the upcoming film Red Riding Hood gives an interview in Interview magazine’s March issue where she responds to comments about he similarity of Red Riding Hood to the Twilight series.

Amanda Seyfriend responds to the allegations that Red Riding Hood is similar to the Twilight series, specifically the first movie, in her interview within Interview Magazine’s March issue.

Amanda Seyfried Interview

Why are people say the two films are similar?

1. The two have the same director, Catherine Hardwicke, who apparently gives off the same vibe within her movies.
2. Critics have pointed out similar storylines: a love triangle, supernatural occurrences and gruesome murders.

However, Amanda Seyfried has stated that Little Red Riding hood and Twilight are totally different, stating, “We have so many elements that make it completely different. Seyfriend also added that the movie is a modernized version of the story.

Hardwicke’s New Project: Little Red Riding Hood

August 22nd, 2009 | Catherine Hardwicke | No Comments »

The Scorecard Review just released some news about Catherine Hardwicke’s next film to be.


“Director of the first Twilight film Catherine Hardwicke has a new vulnerable female teenage protagonist to bring to life.

She has just signed on to direct a new adaption of the famous Little Red Riding Hood story. As of now, the project is titled The Girl With The Red Riding Hood.

Written by David Johnson, who wrote the Orphan screenplay, this will be a “gothic retelling” of the story, this one focusing on werewolves with a “teenage love triangle at its center.” ”

Seems like Hardwicke is going to be REAL busy considering she is directing a few other films including Hamlet, 21 Jump Street, If I Stay, and Maximum Ride.

Two Twilight Stars to be in Catherine Hardwicke’s Hamlet

August 13th, 2009 | Catherine Hardwicke, Eclipse, Twilight News | No Comments »

Catherine Hardwicke is filming a new rendition to Hamlet. Rumor has it that two cast members from Twilight are trying out for a part in this movie. HOWEVER, Hamlet is filming during the same time as Eclipse, meaning that the two mysterious twilighters must have had smaller roles.

To give us a little hint, Hardwicke added Hardwicke that her Shakesperean stars could be “somebody who’s already been killed [in the 'Twilight' films],” she explained, responding to a question about whether Cam Gigandet (James) could be one of her candidates.

Twilight Cast Sweeps 11 Teen Choice Awards

August 10th, 2009 | Ashley Greene, Catherine Hardwicke, Jackson Rathbone, Kellan Lutz, Kristen Stewart, Nikki Reed, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner, Twilight News | 1 Comment »

As Starpulse put it, “Twilight” didn’t suck at the Teen Choice Awards. Twilight cast totally racked in the awards with 11 wins, including choice movie drama, romance, liplock, rumble and soundtrack. Kristen Stewart won the movie drama actress category while Robert Pattinson picked up two — one for movie drama actor, another for male hottie.
As for the rest of the cast, Taylor Lautner and Ashley Green were honored as the male and female movie “FRESH FACES”, while Cam Gigandet was awarded “Movie Villian” of the year.
Congrats to Catherine Hardwicke and all the cast for one of the most successful movies!
Here is the actual list of awards:
Choice Movie Drama: Twilight
Choice Movie Actor Drama: Robert Pattinson
Choice Movie Actress Drama: Kristen Stewart
Choice Movie Villain: Cam Gigandet
Choice Movie Fresh Face Female: Ashley Greene
Choice Movie Fresh Face Male: Taylor Lautner
Choice Movie Liplock: Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson
Choice Movie Rumble: Robert Pattinson vs. Cam Gigandet
Choice Music Soundtrack: Twilight
Choice Male Hottie: Robert Pattinson

TCA: Interview with Catherine Hardwicke

August 10th, 2009 | Catherine Hardwicke, Twilight News | No Comments »

Reporters caught up with Catherine Hardwicke at Teen Choice Awards, in this video she talks about how Bryce Dallas Howard actually wanted to be Victoria from the start. Check it out.