Video of Kristen Stewart at an “Eclipse” Fan Event in Stockholm
December 5th, 2010 | Eclipse, Kristen Stewart | No Comments »Young Hollywood: Xavier Samuel Kissing Research
July 11th, 2010 | Bryce Dallas Howard, Eclipse, Xavier Samuel | No Comments »Bryce Dallas Howard and Xavier Samuel’s literally researched and read up in order to perfect their characters in Eclipse.
Interview with Eclipse Costume Designer Tish Monaghan
July 10th, 2010 | Eclipse, Robert Pattinson, Xavier Samuel | No Comments »Tags: Tish Monaghan
This article is right up my alley! My two favorite things: Twilight and fashion. The EW has an Interview with Eclipse Costume Designer Tish Monaghan, as as always- she kept the style simple yet suave.
Check it all out here to learn about the clothes.
Here is an excerpt:
• Even at the film’s premiere, people squealed when Taylor Lautner turned around in that black T-shirt.
“It was almost embarrassing. I felt so bad for him,” Monaghan says, with a laugh. “They were screaming and going ‘Wooooo!’” As she’d done on New Moon, her M.O. was to put him in smaller size Gap or Banana Republic T-shirts to emphasize his biceps, tightening the tees around the arm holes and taking them in down the side. (Pattinson wore Gap T-shirts, exclusively, she adds. “They were what fit him best. They had the best colors. So that’s what he ended up wearing, even when Edward takes Bella up to the tent. It may strike people as odd, but he doesn’t feel temperature, so that’s why we only put him in a shirt, and Bella’s all bundled up, and Jacob, of course, is running around shirtless.”
Pattinson and Stewart Visit Fans
July 7th, 2010 | Eclipse, Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson | No Comments »Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson shock fans at a local IMAX theatre in Los Angeles.
“I hope you like the movie because otherwise this’d be really embarrassing. Yeah, thanks for making sort of such a special opening weekend for us,” Robert Pattinson continued.
“You guys all like it, though?” he asked the crowds, who of course broke out in screams.
Pattinson Smackin’ Lautner’s Ass
July 7th, 2010 | Eclipse, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner | 1 Comment »This article/video is pretty funny about Rob and Taylor on the set of Eclipse.
While talking to Access Hollywood, and discussed the scenes where the two had to fight (for Bella, played by ) but when the cameras stopped rolling, the two friends were very chummy with each other.
The tension between the two characters didn’t affect the actors. Taylor admits that hating Edward is hard because of Robert, who’s a great guy. “One of the most challenging things about filming this was having to hate Edward because I’m looking at Rob.”
What did Rob say about Taylor? When asked about laughing between takes he added “Especially when he’s wearing his little spandex outfit. It’s great when he goes “If you come near her again…” and then you just slap him on the ass.”
Is IMAX the Way to Go?
July 5th, 2010 | Eclipse | No Comments »Tags: imax movies
… Apparently not! One reviewer from ABC gives the IMAX experience poor ratings since it magnifies flaws not seen on the smaller screen. Read the quote below.
“I couldn’t help but notice that IMAX is very unforgiving. So much of “Eclipse” is close-up shots, meaning that Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson , Taylor Lautner and the rest of the cast had their faces magnified to the point where they were two stories tall. And, uh, it didn’t do such great things for them.
Kristen’s hair was so obviously a wig and it was driving me nuts. Really, would it be so hard to give that thing a part? Then it wouldn’t be so glaring. Ditto for Ashley Greene—can’t they use her real, gorgeous hair rather than that hacked-up wig? Homegirl looks like she cuts her hair herself with pinking shears.
Speaking of the Cullen clan, Edward and crew didn’t look pale; they looked like they had pan makeup congregating in the corners of their mouths. And they didn’t look like their eyes were crazy colors; you could actually see their contact lens lines.”
Wolf Scenes in Eclipse- How Do They Do It?
July 5th, 2010 | Eclipse, Jacob Black | No Comments »Tags: Kristen Stewart, Twilight
Have you ever wondered just how the wolves were put into action in the movie, or just how Kristen Stewart as Bella, was able to pet the transformed wolf, Jacob?
Check out the pictures below!
Eclipse Scenes with Soundtrack
July 5th, 2010 | Eclipse | No Comments »Tags: Eclipse Soundtrack
Mandy has seen the film a few times is now able to give us a list of where ALL of the songs on the Eclipse soundtrack appear in the film.
1. Metric “Eclipse (All Yours)” –
Instrumental played in last meadow scene as well as various other points in the film at various speeds. Regular version in credits.
2. Muse “Neutron Star Collision ( Love is Forever)” –
2nd song played during graduation party at Cullen’s house.
3. The Bravery “Ours” –
1st song played during graduation party at Cullen’s house.
4. Florence + The Machine “Heavy in your Arms” –
Credits. Sadly. I think this song is a fan favourite and we all had high expectations for it’s placement. Then again, a song gets more playtime in credits.
5. Sia “My Love” –
Leg Hitch Lovin’ rawr! At the Cullen house in Edward’s new bed. This is when Bella wants to have sex and they make-out then Edward rejects her telling her he is old fashioned.
6. Fan Farlo “Atlas” –
Plays briefly in Edwards car when he drives Bella to drop her off with Jacob.
7. The Black Keys “Chop and Change” –
This is in the opening when Riley leaves the bar and the shadow version of Victoria bites and changes him.
8. The Dead Weather “Rolling in on a Burning Tire” –
Victoria and Riley under the bridge (well it just looks like a bad part of town)
9. Beck and Bat for Lashes ” Let’s Get Lost”-
Bella reading the letter from Jacob and going to her truck only to find Edward has made it so she can’t go anywhere.
10. Vampire Weekend “Jonathon Low”-
Edward drops Bella off to go hang with Jacob and they go to Sam & Emily’s place.
11. Unkle “With You in My Head (featuring The Black Angels)” –
Fight training with the Cullen’s and the wolves.
12. Eastern Conference Champions ” A Million Miles an Hour” –
In the school parking lot when Jacob is on his motorbike as Edward and Bella arrive.
13. Band of Horses ” Life on Earth”-
Bella & Edward in Bella’s bed discussing “You’ll always be my Bella””
14. Cee Lo Green “What Part of Forever” –
15. Howard Shore “Jacob’s Theme”-
When Jacob tells Bella “Choose Me” also when they kiss before battle and finally when he is injured at the end in bed and she visits him.
Also Bonus Tracks:
“The Line” by Battles
I don’t know when
“How Can You Swallow So Much Sleep” by Bombay Bicycle Club
During Cafeteria Scene?
“Clair de Lune”
When Bella arrives at Edward’s house before the leg hitch / bedroom scene. Also when Edward gives her the diamond heart to add to her bracelet.
The Eclipse Proposal
July 4th, 2010 | Eclipse | No Comments »Tags: Eclipse Proposal
One lucky lady had her boyfriend pull an Edward and propose to her during the midnight showing of Eclipse! Check out the video below.
Up to $30 Million for Eclipse
June 30th, 2010 | Eclipse | No Comments »The team behind Twilight Saga: Eclipse is whistling a happy tune all the way to the bank today. After just ONE showing last night at midnight, the flick made $30 MILLION dollars. Crazy! That’s making back almost half of its budget in ONE showing.
It surpassed New Moon’s opening night of $26.3 million. It also made a record $1 million dollars in IMAX showings, beating out the previous record held by Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. Some theaters offered a special viewing of Twilight and New Moon prior to the midnight show, pulling in an additional $2.4 million!
Although it is off to a mind-boggling start, it’s not expected to exceed New Moon’s $142.8 million opening weekend.