
5 Things to Expect from Eclipse

November 28th, 2009 | Eclipse | No Comments »


Rotten Tomatoes has up an article talking about 5 things we can expect from the Eclipse movie.

In brief, here are the simple facts, but you can get the full details  here.

Fact #1: It’s Darker
Fact #2: There Will Be Less “Love Story” and More “War”
Fact #3: The Werewolves Will Crank Up the Sex Appeal
Fact #4: There’s More Action
Fact #5: The Ending Will Be Nicely Set Up For a Fourth – And Perhaps Fifth – Film

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LA Times 41 Picture Photoshoot

September 22nd, 2009 | Eclipse, Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson | No Comments »
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The LA Times Hollywood Back Lot has these amazing pics from the set of New Moon. Thank you to photographer David Strick, for such gorgeous pictures. To view all 41 click HERE!

Here is a little preview:



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Newborn Sighting!

September 17th, 2009 | Eclipse | No Comments »


visited the Eclipse set and took a few action pictures of the newborn vampires. She spotted Riley (Xavier Samuel) and Bree (Jodelle Ferland) as well. Here is a description of what she saw:

I had a chance to see a new set being filmed for Eclipse… the scene where the newborns arrive in Forks. It’s a picturesque scene, with mountains and water framing the background of the shot, and a sparse unoccupied beach for the newborns to arrive on… then they disappear into the forest. The vampire newborns looked absolutely chilling, and their rugged military-like outfits along with steely, determined glares just added to the mood. Filmed early in the morning, this scene was designed to look as if it had been shot at night, possibly just after dusk or just before dawn.

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Another New Pic from Eclipse Set

September 10th, 2009 | Eclipse, Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner | No Comments »




What a cute bunch of Eclipsers..

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Recent Filming Spots of Eclipse

September 10th, 2009 | Eclipse, Jacob Black | No Comments »


Rumor has it, current filming is taking place at Jacob’s house with scenes between he and Bella.

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Cars in Eclipse

September 9th, 2009 | Eclipse | No Comments »


normal_P9082710 has new pics of the various cars from an Eclipse set. Above is a Quileute School Bus, along with pics of a Volvo, Alice’s infamous yellow Porsche, and Emmett’s Jeep, which is in need of a serious lift.

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Kristen Stewart and Her Wig

September 7th, 2009 | Eclipse, Kristen Stewart | 1 Comment »

Great article on the inside scoop of Kristen’s hair, since a lot of people seem to be writing about her new locks. Can you tell the difference between her real hair and the wig?

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David Slade Lautner Picture

August 31st, 2009 | David Slade, Eclipse, Taylor Lautner | No Comments »


David Slade posted this Twitpic on his account. Mmmmm..

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Renee Dwyer on Eclipse Scene

August 31st, 2009 | Eclipse | No Comments »
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We rarely see pictures of Sarah Clarke, who plays Bella Swan’s mother Renee Dwyer. But here she is on the set of eclipse, and I’m sure there will be better pictures surfacing within the next few days.

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Lautner Flips for Eclipse

August 31st, 2009 | David Slade, Eclipse, Taylor Lautner | No Comments »

Literally.  Look at this picture David Slade captured of Jacob during the Eclipse shoot.


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