Jacob Black

Wolf Scenes in Eclipse- How Do They Do It?

July 5th, 2010 | Eclipse, Jacob Black | No Comments »
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Have you ever wondered just how the wolves were put into action in the movie, or just how Kristen Stewart as Bella, was able to pet the transformed wolf, Jacob?

Check out the pictures below!




5 Secrets about Eclipse Wolves

June 30th, 2010 | Eclipse, Jacob Black | 2 Comments »

Phil Tippett, who did the visual effects for Eclipse,talked with MTV and gave them a behind-the-scenes look at the Eclipse wolves.

Check it all out here.

Here is an excerpt:

Taylor’s Wolf Is Sad
Tippett and his crew spent countless hours perfecting each member of the wolf pack, but obviously Taylor Lautner’s wolf receives the most screen time and thus required the closest attention. Specifically, they had to capture Jacob’s unrequited love for Bella while he was in wolf-form.

“Through non-language pantomime on the wolf’s part, he had to appear to be engaged and try to make his expressions telegraph the tragic love that is their relationship,” Tippett said. “So there is a sad kind of a longing and protectiveness that we try to imbue him with.”

To get the look right, crew members traveled up to a wolf preserve, and actually got into pens with the 200-pound animals and sketched out what they observed.

“I’m a huge advocate of that. Anytime you can get close to an animal, that’s the closet model you can find,” he said. “And the animators are cast just like actors. Certain animators are really strong on action and there are animators that are really strong on the emotional moments. And the animators strong on emotion were the ones creating the emotional response of Jacob’s wolf.”


New Jacob Black Doll

February 10th, 2010 | Jacob Black | No Comments »

Here is the latest Jacob Black BUFF doll, with the Quiluette symbol and shirt ON.

The limited edition Jacob action figure, which comes a few (long-awaited!) months after Tonner debuted its Laurent, Victoria, James and “Hungry Edward” dolls during last July’s Comic-Con, will be released this summer. The cost of the 17-inch-tall, hard plastic and vinyl figure will be $149.99 and there are only a limited number (3000 to be exact!) being made, so Twilighters, this is a chance to own a piece of cinematic history!

Read more about it at MTV’s Hollywood Crush AND sign up to receive email notification from Tonner when this Jacob doll is released.

Jacob Black Barbie Doll

December 27th, 2009 | Jacob Black | No Comments »

jacob new moon barbie doll - 1

Here is the new Jacob Black Barbie doll . This Jacob black doll is going to be available on March 20, 2010.

Recent Filming Spots of Eclipse

September 10th, 2009 | Eclipse, Jacob Black | No Comments »


Rumor has it, current filming is taking place at Jacob’s house with scenes between he and Bella.

New Poster Releases!

September 5th, 2009 | Jacob Black, Kristen Stewart, New Moon, Robert Pattinson | No Comments »


Here is the collection of New Moon posters that were released this week.

Top 10 Jacob Quotes in Breaking Dawn

August 12th, 2009 | Breaking Dawn, Jacob Black | 2 Comments »

has another top ten list up on their site. Today is “The Top Ten Funny Jacob Quotes in Breaking Dawn”

10. “He’s brave. Brave as you are. Didn’t pass out or throw up or anything. I gotta say, I was impressed. You should’ve seen his face when I started taking my clothes off, though. Priceless.” (Page 495)

9. “How much blood would it take to keep her going? At some point, would they start trotting in the neighbors?” (Page 271)

8. “He was right – she was beating herself up about hurting his feelings. The girl was a classic martyr. She’d totally been born in the wrong century. She should have lived back when she could have gotten herself fed to some lions for a good cause.” (Page 187)

7. “I’d been planning to take off and get some Z’s, but the chance to ruin Rosalie’s morning seemed too good to pass up.” (Page 323)

6. “I’m getting older here, Bella. Okay, not technically, but you get the idea.” (Page 435)

5. “You know how you drown a blonde, Rosalie? Glue a mirror to the bottom of a pool.” (Page 271)

4. “See. Charlie. Afterwards. See Charlie when she’s all sparkly white with the bright red eyes. I’m not a bloodsucker, so maybe I’m missing something, but Charlie seems like kind of a strange choice for her first meal.” (Page 300)

3. “Where is this psycho crap coming from? Are you making this up as you go?” (Page 182)

2. “I felt like – like I don’t know what. Like this wasn’t real. Like I was in some Goth version of a bad sitcom. Instead of being the A/V dweeb about to ask the head cheerleader to the prom, I was the finished-second-place werewolf about to ask the vampire’s wife to shack up and procreate. Nice.” (Page 185)

1. “Say what you want, I still think Dracula One and Dracula Two are creep-tacular.” (Page 631)