Kellan Lutz

Another Lutz MTV Interview

October 27th, 2009 | Kellan Lutz | No Comments »

MTV has an interview with Kellan Lutz. In the interview he talks about the differences in the Twilight films including directors, his favorite New Moon scene, his character and his favorite new characters.

Read everything at MTV.

Kellan Lutz in “Nightmare on Elm Street”

September 28th, 2009 | Kellan Lutz | No Comments »

Here is the trailer for Nightmare on Elm Street, it looks extremely creepy. Kellan is ALMOST not even in this trailer, but he makes his appearance at time 1:22.


Kellan Lutz is on Cover of Malaysian Magazine

September 15th, 2009 | Kellan Lutz | No Comments »

Kellan Lutzcious! Mr. Lutz is debuting on the cover of the Malaysian magazine this month. Check out the cover.


Kellan Lutz’s Cold Interview

September 12th, 2009 | Kellan Lutz | No Comments »


In a recent interview with , Kellan Lutz dishes on his feelings about Robsten. It sounds a tad harsh, but atleast he is being honest:

Don’t expect a threesome with Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Kellan Lutz—or even just a lunch date—to happen any time soon.

They don’t hang.

“They’re just so complex, and I like to laugh and smile,” Twilight’s Emmett Cullen told E! News at the W Hotels lounge backstage at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week just before the Monarchy show.

As for everyone’s favorite couple…

Yeah, Kellan’s not sure either.

“I don’t know what’s going on. I have no idea,” he claims. “I don’t hang out with Rob or Kristen.”

And, while he promises that “a romance” is not the reason for this, he also quite clearly prefers one half of Robsten over the other.

“They are attractive humans, yes they are,” he admits. “I’m nice with Rob also. I look great with him too. I think I look better with Rob…Rob’s awesome. I love him to death.”

But don’t get the wrong idea. Despite word of a breakup, Kellan was chilling right next to 90210’s AnnaLynne McCord in that fashion-friendly lounge and they both had colds, so you do the math.

Sniffles aside, Kellan says shooting Eclipse has its pros and cons and, of course, it all comes back to Rob and Kristen.

“It’s going great. We all love Vancouver. It’s just that there’s just so many paparazzi everywhere,” he admits. “We’ve been moving around to new places like every two weeks. Especially for Rob—we feel bad for him. Like, we go out to cast dinners and, whenever Rob’s shooting, that’s when we can have free time because usually that’s when everyone is trying to shoot Rob or Kristen. So then we can actually be free to walk around the city and shop and go out to eat. You know, when we want to do cast dinners, it’s tough because you can’t just chill.”

Instead, Kellan plays board games like Risk and Clue with Ashley Greene and friends while Pattz and that girl whose name he hardly mentioned do whatever “complex” people do.

Cast over Labor Day Weekend

September 8th, 2009 | Ashley Greene, Kellan Lutz | No Comments »


Eclipse cast members took some time away from filming Eclipse in Vancouver to visit LA.

Kellan Lutz was went  shirtless around town in Los Angeles, while  Ashley Greene attended a  at a pool party at the Roosevelt and also found some time to chat away on her white iPhone at Jamba Juice. The cast was totally in for a nice and relaxing break.

Check out the rest of the pics of Kellan and Ashley.

Lutz Back in Vancouver

August 25th, 2009 | Kellan Lutz | No Comments »

Kellan Lutz

Just reporting that Kellan Lutz is back in Vancouver for some more shooting!

Nice boots Kellan..

Twilight Cast and Their Animals

August 24th, 2009 | Ashley Greene, Kellan Lutz | No Comments »

Kellan Lutz

There has been a little hype with the Twilight cast and their new animals.
There is a full article from Twilight Lexicon discussing Kellan Lutz and Ashley Greene’s pure love for their animals.

“Ashley Greene has brought her new puppy, Marlow, up to Vancouver with her. Kellan Lutz on the other hand has opted to leave his exuberant dog, Kola, at home.
At the Twilight Tour in Atlanta, one fan asked about Kola, and Kellan told a couple of great stories. Kola has every bit as much personality as Kellan does. If you want a great story ask Kellan about the time he has Kola in his truck and the dog needed to “make pit stop” but there was no place to pull over. He acts the story out in full detail where he’s looking to pull over, looking at the dog, trying to talk the dog out of doing the inevitable, and when he finally pulls over the dog refuses to go.”

“Anyway, after such a cute story (and about three more dog stories) one fan asked, “Are you going to take Kola with you to the set?” Kellan responded words to the effect of Oh no! She’s got way too much energy. She needs a yard to run around and lots of attention. I have friends back in LA who can see that she gets the attention and the exercise that she needs.”

I think the above picture from explains it all..

Twilight Cast Sweeps 11 Teen Choice Awards

August 10th, 2009 | Ashley Greene, Catherine Hardwicke, Jackson Rathbone, Kellan Lutz, Kristen Stewart, Nikki Reed, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner, Twilight News | 1 Comment »

As Starpulse put it, “Twilight” didn’t suck at the Teen Choice Awards. Twilight cast totally racked in the awards with 11 wins, including choice movie drama, romance, liplock, rumble and soundtrack. Kristen Stewart won the movie drama actress category while Robert Pattinson picked up two — one for movie drama actor, another for male hottie.
As for the rest of the cast, Taylor Lautner and Ashley Green were honored as the male and female movie “FRESH FACES”, while Cam Gigandet was awarded “Movie Villian” of the year.
Congrats to Catherine Hardwicke and all the cast for one of the most successful movies!
Here is the actual list of awards:
Choice Movie Drama: Twilight
Choice Movie Actor Drama: Robert Pattinson
Choice Movie Actress Drama: Kristen Stewart
Choice Movie Villain: Cam Gigandet
Choice Movie Fresh Face Female: Ashley Greene
Choice Movie Fresh Face Male: Taylor Lautner
Choice Movie Liplock: Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson
Choice Movie Rumble: Robert Pattinson vs. Cam Gigandet
Choice Music Soundtrack: Twilight
Choice Male Hottie: Robert Pattinson

Makin It Big Through Commercials!

July 27th, 2009 | Jackson Rathbone, Kellan Lutz, Kristen Stewart | No Comments »
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So what was the cast of Twilight up to before their huge Twilight acting days? A few posts below we see Taylor Lautner bustin’ some moves. But here I found three commercials. First is Kristen Stewart in a Porsche commercial followed by Jackson Rathbone in a Discover Card commercial. Saved the most recent commercial for last, I was rather surprised myself. Check em out!

and WHO IS THIS in the Hillary Duff With Love commercial? KELLAN LUTZ!?

What Is It Like Kissing Kellan, Ashley?

July 27th, 2009 | Ashley Greene, Kellan Lutz, Twilight News | No Comments »
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Twilight bro and sis team up again for another upcoming movie, Warrior. This time around… Ashley Green and Kellan Lutz are romantically involved and have to share a few smooches.  In an interview, Ashley Greene was asked whether or not it was awkward kissing her former-brother in Twilight:


“No, it wasn’t, because Kellan and I know each other so well, it was kind of a no-brainer. And again, we’ve already got this kind of chemistry, so no it wasn’t hard at all,” Greene told us. “I was kind of wondering about that because he is one of my very close friends, and we definitely have a platonic relationship, so playing romantic, I was wondering if it was going to be hard or easier, but because we are already so comfortable with each other it was actually less awkward than kissing someone I didn’t know.”

Concerning my previous post in the RUMOR MILL about the two being an off-screen “thing” rumors are denied that they are not. Hence the platonic relationship.

For the full article, click