Kristen Stewart

LA Times Review of ‘The Runaways’ Soundtrack

March 25th, 2010 | Kristen Stewart | No Comments »
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The LA Times has a review of the soundtrack for The Runaways, which features The Runaways, Joan Jett and the Blackhearts, Kristen Stewart and Dakota Fanning, among others. Reviewer August Brown gives the soundtrack two stars.

It takes a real helping of celebrity chutzpah for Dakota Fanning to cover a tune like the Runaways’ “California Paradise,” a sarcastic ode to Hollywood street urchin life. For Fanning and film cohort Kristen Stewart, their night life equivalent probably involves dinner at the West Hollywood Urth Caffe followed by (non-alcoholic) cocktails at Drai’s. But on the soundtrack to “The Runaways,” their updated takes on the scruffy oeuvre of Curie, Jett and company feel tossed off in a way the original Runaways might appreciate.Like her fellow platinum-tressed actress-turned-rocker Taylor Momsen, Fanning takes her vocal cues from Courtney Love’s gnarled howl. But on record, Fanning sounds absolutely true to her motivation for making this soundtrack: She’s a beautiful, well-paid actress playing the part of a beautiful, famous rock star playing the character of a broke L.A. punk vixen. But this town is built on pretty people dressing down, and the deep irony of her musical role as Curie is unexpectedly on target given myth-building source material such as “Dead End Justice” and “Cherry Bomb.”

Stewart takes a passenger-seat role here, but her deeper register is a worthy compliment in this very silly formula. The rest of the soundtrack is essential but obvious ’70s sleaze-rock fare, including the Stooges and Bowie, and MC5.

Rumors May Be True: Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart Together

February 23rd, 2010 | Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson | 4 Comments »


Well, I can see all of us were waiting for GossipCop to deny this! The Sun reported that Robert Pattinson (Edward Cullen) admitted that he is dating Kristen Stewart (Bella Swan). The word “together” can imply MANY things! Read below.

We then contacted many, many more individuals, including the author of the explosive interview published in The Sun, “R-Patz admits: I AM with K-Stew.”

Unlike numerous other sites which took the interview at face value and never fact checked, including Hollyscoop (“Robert Pattinson Confirms He’s Dating Kristen Stewart) and HollywoodLife (“Finally, Kristen! Your boyfriend R-Patz ADMITS you are a couple!”), Gossip Cop verified with the reporter — more than once over the course of a few hours — what was and wasn’t said on Sunday.

The reporter told Gossip Cop Pattinson “didn’t say ‘we are a couple,’” adding that “he wasn’t going to spell it out in great detail.”

What the reporter did ask during the post-BAFTAs dinner, where Pattinson was several feet away from Stewart for this Q&A, was, “Is this a public appearance together?”

The reporter told Gossip Cop Pattinson replied, “We are together.”

When Gossip Cop pressed him on whether Pattinson’s response meant he and Stewart were a couple, the reporter said, “That’s my assumption from what he said.”

OK, so Pattinson never actually said they were “a couple.”

The Sun claims Pattinson “admitted” he and Stewart were a couple. But that is not the case.

Read the rest here.

Kristen Stewart Acceptance Speech at BAFTA

February 21st, 2010 | Kristen Stewart | No Comments »

Here Kristen Stewart awkwardly, as always, received the Orange Rising Star award. Go KStew!


New ‘The Runaways’ Poster

February 9th, 2010 | Dakota Fanning, Kristen Stewart | No Comments »


Dakota Fanning on Cover of ‘V Magazine’

January 7th, 2010 | Dakota Fanning, Kristen Stewart | 2 Comments »
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Dakota Fanning will appear on the upcoming issue of V Magazine, which will be released January 14. In the interview, Dakota talks about working on The Runaways and the kiss with fellow Twilight cast star, Kristen Stewart.

“Dakota Fanning is amused that she is finally able to wear a size zero clothes without having them taken in. Dakota told V Magazine: ‘Now that I’m getting older, I’m finally getting to the point where I can fit into those things’.

About her role on The Runaways (sexy wild child rocker with a girl-on-girl kiss), she dished: ‘I really enjoyed doing that subject matter for the first time in a biopic, because it really happened, it’s not just a made-up story about a 15-year-old running wild. It’s a true story of her evolution from good Valley Girl to bad rock ‘n roll princess’.

She shared about her kissing Kristen Stewart: ‘It’s passionate,they were just as close as two could get’.

About drugs, specially the cocaine: ‘It’s actually crushed B vitamins. Kristen and I were, like, our hair is gonna grow a lot from these’.”

Kristen Stewart on ‘Regis and Kelly’

January 5th, 2010 | Kristen Stewart | No Comments »

Here is a cute candid of Kristen Stewart and Kelly.

New Stills from ‘Welcome to the Riley’s’

January 2nd, 2010 | Kristen Stewart | No Comments »

Here is Kristen Stewart in some new released stills of ‘Welcome to the Riley’s’



Kristen Stewart on Korea’s Allure

December 31st, 2009 | Kristen Stewart | 1 Comment »


Kristen Stewart is looking beautiful for the January 2010 cover of Allure Korea.

Kristen Stewart Interview with Radio 1 BBC

December 30th, 2009 | Kristen Stewart | No Comments »

Kristen Stewart’s Best in Worldwide Tour

December 28th, 2009 | Kristen Stewart | No Comments »


Here is a little collage of fans favorite Kristen Stewart’s outfits as she toured around the world.