New Moon

More Official New Moon Posters!

September 29th, 2009 | New Moon | No Comments »

Group Shots!


Clevver TV: Tickets for New Moon ALREADY Selling Out

September 28th, 2009 | New Moon | No Comments »

Clevver TV Video which talks about New Moon tickets selling out and where you can buy Bella’s Prom dress and birthday dress.

New Picture from New Moon Movie Scene

September 21st, 2009 | New Moon | 1 Comment »


Here is the first look of the group date scene from New Moon. Mike does actually look sick, and note the both hands turned up waiting for Bella to make the next move.


September 21st, 2009 | New Moon | 2 Comments »

And here is the New Moon Sountrack List!


1. Death Cab For Cutie – Meet Me On The Equinox
2. Band Of Skulls – Friends
3. Thom Yorke – Hering Damage
4. Lykke Li – Possibility
5. The Killers – A White Demon Love Song
6. Anya Marina – Satellite Heart
7. Muse – I Belong To You (New Moon)
8. Bon Iver and St. Vincent – Rosyln
9. Black Rebel Motorcycle Club – Done All Wrong
10. Hurricane Bells – Monsters
11. Sea Wolf – The Violet Hour
12. Ok Go – Shooting The Moo
13. Grizzly Bear – Slow Life
14. Editors – No Sound But The Wind
15. Alexandre Desplat – New Moon (The Meadow)

Edward Cullen’s ‘New Moon’ Volvo “Hot Specials of the Month”

September 21st, 2009 | New Moon, Twilight News | No Comments »



And now Volvo’s marketing strategy is using Edward Cullen to sell the car. It is a pretty great idea to have him on the site, famous figures sell!

Charlie Bewley Interview on Demitri

September 21st, 2009 | New Moon | No Comments »

Charlie Bewley chatted it up with myBliss on how great Demitri is in New Moon, his favorite book from the Twilight series, and what vampire power he would have if he could choose. Might I add, he has a great accent.

Muse and Their New Moon Soundtrack Contribution

September 21st, 2009 | New Moon | No Comments »
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Muse talked to MTV about their conversation with Chris Weitz and what song they think they will be contributing to the New Moon soundtrack. You can listen to it above, and yes there is some french in it.

“Speaking to Zane Lowe the group revealed that they’ve recently spoken to the film’s director Chris Weitz about recording a new version of a song from their album The Resistance.

Singer Matt Bellamy revealed: “I spoke to the director yesterday (and) he wants the track I Belong To You, the sort of vaudeville piano track.

“He wants a rendition of that but the only thing with the new film is they want the songs to be exclusive to the film. So he’s asking if I mind doing, or if we mind doing an alternative version of it.”

Asked if they were up for it Matt said: “I think it’s alright- if it was one of the main tracks on the album I would never do it. But it’s actually one of the weirder tracks on the album.

“(It’s) one of the can’t believe we got away with it kind of tracks. I think it might be worth giving it a go cos it’s a track that might not get played live very often… one of the obscure tracks off the album so it might give that track some life that it wouldn’t have otherwise.”

Another New Moon Calendar

September 19th, 2009 | New Moon | 1 Comment »


New Moon Calendar #3 has come out! Very cute pictures from the different scenes.. but my personal favorite is Jacob and Bella.

You can order your copy of the newest calendar here!

New Moon Soundtrack List Released Friday

September 17th, 2009 | New Moon | No Comments »


According to the NY Times, the New Moon soundtrack  list will be announced to the public on Friday, September 18th. Ms. Patsavas from Chop Shop Records released that the soundtrack will be released October 20th.  She also gives some other key information as what other bands may be on the highly anticipated cd.

Ms. Patsavas, known for her work on television shows like “Grey’s Anatomy” and “Gossip Girl,” said she was confident that the “New Moon” soundtrack would include Thom Yorke, Bon Iver and Band of Skulls. Death Cab for Cutie’s “Meet Me on the Equinox,” the first single, had its premiere on on Sunday, as part of a “Twilight” promotional blitz surrounding MTV’s Video Music Awards. There has been extensive speculation in the music industry all summer about who else would be included. Representatives of Grizzly Bear and the Killers said those groups would be on the soundtrack, but Ms. Patsavas declined to comment, saying that the track list would be completed and announced on Friday.

To read the full article from the NY times, click here.

COMBINED New Moon Trailers

September 16th, 2009 | New Moon | No Comments »

Here is a link to a fan made New Moon Trailer. It combines all the trailers we have seen into one, and it’s actually really awesome.  The Trailer was posted by