No other word except FIERCE describes this fan made photo.
I don’t think Bryce Dallas Howard can pull off this look.. but that’s just my opinion.
No other word except FIERCE describes this fan made photo.
I don’t think Bryce Dallas Howard can pull off this look.. but that’s just my opinion.
So how does the cast feel about the new member to the Twilight team?
“She’s fitting in wonderfully. We all like her. She’s a really sweet, sweet woman, so she’s fitting right in with us.”- Ashley Greene
This is some old news but I just wanted to say that this is such a stunning picture of Nikki Reed, Rachelle Lefevre, Ashley Greene and Noot Seeare from Glamour Magazine.
Marc Malkin From E! Gossip speaks his mind on the Victoria drama. What is your opinion on this whole scenario– all for Ron Howard’s daughter Bryce, or on Team Rachelle?
Earlier today, Rachelle Lefevre stated her reasoning for being dropped — “My commitment to Barney’s Version is only 10 days. Summit picked up my option for Eclipse. Although the production schedule for Eclipse is over three months long, Summit said they had a conflict during those ten days and would not accommodate me. Given the length of filming for Eclipse, never did I fathom I would lose the role over a 10-day overlap.
Here is Summit’s word-for-word response against Rachelle Lefevre’s accusations:
“We at Summit Entertainment are disappointed by Rachelle Lefevre’s recent comments which attempt to make her career choices the fault of the Studio. Her decision to discuss her version of the scheduling challenges publicly has forced the Studio to set the record straight and correct the facts.
Ms. Lefevre’s representatives were advised as early as April that THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE was expected to start shooting in early August.
If Ms. Lefevre was, as she describes “passionate,” about being part of THE TWILIGHT SAGA, we feel that she and her representatives would have included us in her decision to work on another film that would conflict with the shooting schedule of THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE.
It was not until July 20th that Summit was first informed of Ms. Lefevre’s commitment to BARNEY’S VERSION, a commitment we have since been advised she accepted in early June. Summit had acted in good faith that she would be available to fulfill her obligations both in terms of rehearsals and shooting availability for THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE. We feel that her choice to withhold her scheduling conflict information from us can be viewed as a lack of cooperative spirit which affected the entire production.
Furthermore Ms. Lefevre took a role in the other film that places her in Europe during the required rehearsal time, and at least ten days of THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE’s principal photography. This period is essential for both rehearsal time with the cast, and for filming at key locations that are only available during the initial part of production.
Contrary to Ms. Lefevre’s statement, it is simply untrue that the Studio dismissed her over a ten day overlap. It is not about a ten day overlap, but instead about the fact that THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE is an ensemble production that has to accommodate the schedules of numerous actors while respecting the established creative vision of the filmmaker and most importantly the story.
The fact remains that Ms. Lefevre’s commitment to the other project – which she chose to withhold from Summit until the last possible moment – makes her unfortunately unavailable to perform the role of Victoria in THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE.”
–Summit Entertainment
Rachelle Lefevre who played the ravenous Victoria will be “eclipsed” by Bryce Dallas Howard for the third Twilight installment Eclipse. This is rather disheartening news to many fans, including myself, because I feel as if she has done an extraordinary job in taking on the role. Eclipse is the biggest role that Victoria is a part of, and it may seem a little off balance trying to replace Victoria with newcomer Bryce Dallas Howard. However, Howard is a prominent actress who had lead roles in The Village and Spiderman 3. There is no doubt in my mind that Howard will be a great Victoria.
Best of luck to Rachelle Lefevre and her future career!