Here is the released photo of Emily in New Moon with her scars.
Tinsel Korey
Tinsel Korey Singing Pattinson’s “Never Think”
September 24th, 2009 | Tinsel Korey | No Comments »In the above video, Tinsel Korey who plays Emily Young in New Moon sings to Robert Pattinsons original – “Never Think”
Tinsel Korey Interview (Talk of Emily’s Scar)
August 3rd, 2009 | Tinsel Korey, Twilight News | No Comments »Tags: New Moon, Tinsel Korey
Radar did an excellent interview with Tinsel Korey on her character as Sam Uley’s wife, Emily. She delves into the makeup process of the humongous scar that takes over half her face. Korey even states “Kristen Stewart wasn’t acting and she was really taken aback by the scar the first time she saw my disfigured face.” For the full article, click here.
Interview with Tinsel Korey
July 27th, 2009 | Tinsel Korey, Twilight News | No Comments »Tags: New Moon, Tinsel Korey
How wouldn’t director Chris Wentz recognize such a great talent, Tinsel Korey, who is going to be playing Emily in New Moon. She is known as a “triple threat performer” with her singing, dancing, and acting skills (also very beautiful, is that a talent, as well?) Lucky for us, Twilight Lexicon was able to catch an interview with her discussing her experience on the New Moon set as Emily Young.
Have you read the Twilight Saga books? If yes, which book is your favorite and why?
I have read New Moon, and I’m reading Eclipse right now. I also own Breaking Dawn. I’ll have to get back to you on which one is my favorite.
What was the audition process like for you?
I auditioned in L.A. with the director Chris Weitz and casting directors Rene Haynes and Joseph Middleton. Filming was great, Chris is a very warm and talented director. I can’t wait to see his vision of New Moon come to life.
Did you, along with the other cast members who were also in the Quileuete roles, spend any time building back-stories or relationships?
I built my back-story before I met the boys, I already had an idea of who Emily was. Meeting and hanging out with the boys only helped build upon what my prior thoughts already were. I think when we all hung out the back-story just was there in who we were. Most of us are pretty similar to our characters.
You seem to gravitate toward roles where you play strong women with interesting pasts. What types of things excite you when considering a role?
I never really realized that I did gravitated towards that till you mentioned it, then I thought about it, and I guess I do. Lol. Material that I get excited about, are the ones that give me an opportunity to break stereotypes.
There are some major, powerhouse actors in the New Moon cast. Did you ever find yourself getting a little star-struck or tongue tied around any of them?
Nope. They’re just normal people.
How would you describe your vision of Emily Young?
Oh god, I don’t think I’m allowed to right a novel for this interview. Lol. So let me summarize in one sentence. She’s a survivor, the heart and soul of the team, when they’re down she brings them up. She’s the one you want to have in your corner.
Do you have anything more that you’d like to share with Twilight fans?
I’d like to thank them for all the support I’ve received and I’m glad I get to be on this journey with them. HUGZ.
If you want more Tinsel, you can read more HERE or EVEN listen to her perform some great songs on her .