Xavier Samuel

Xavier Samuel’s First Love

December 20th, 2010 | Xavier Samuel | No Comments »

Speaking for the first time about the woman who has won him over, Twilight’s Xavier Samuel admitted he is “all loved up” with European model Shermine Shahrivar.

The actor from Adelaide spent the past couple weeks showing around his Iranian-born beauty in Australia for the first time.

The attractive couple recently arrived in Sydney from the Gold Coast, where Samuel was filming Bait. AND The two never left each others sides at the Mulberry summer garden party that took place last Wednesday.

Xavier Samuels revealed he met the Miss Europe pageant 2005 winner in Berlin earlier this year while filming political thriller Anonymous with Rhys Ifans.

According to Confidential Samuels stated, “It’s going really well … I’m all loved up,” and “hopes” Shahrivar will accompany him to Adelaide to meet his folks over Christmas. He plans to stay in Sydney until about March shooting a yet-to-be-confirmed film.

Young Hollywood: Xavier Samuel Kissing Research

July 11th, 2010 | Bryce Dallas Howard, Eclipse, Xavier Samuel | No Comments »

Bryce Dallas Howard and Xavier Samuel’s literally researched and read up in order to perfect their characters in Eclipse.

Interview with Eclipse Costume Designer Tish Monaghan

July 10th, 2010 | Eclipse, Robert Pattinson, Xavier Samuel | No Comments »

This article is right up my alley! My two favorite things: Twilight and fashion. The EW has an Interview with Eclipse Costume Designer Tish Monaghan, as as always- she kept the style simple yet suave.

Check it all out here to learn about the clothes.

Here is an excerpt:

• Even at the film’s premiere, people squealed when Taylor Lautner turned around in that black T-shirt.
“It was almost embarrassing. I felt so bad for him,” Monaghan says, with a laugh. “They were screaming and going ‘Wooooo!’” As she’d done on New Moon, her M.O. was to put him in smaller size Gap or Banana Republic T-shirts to emphasize his biceps, tightening the tees around the arm holes and taking them in down the side. (Pattinson wore Gap T-shirts, exclusively, she adds. “They were what fit him best. They had the best colors. So that’s what he ended up wearing, even when Edward takes Bella up to the tent. It may strike people as odd, but he doesn’t feel temperature, so that’s why we only put him in a shirt, and Bella’s all bundled up, and Jacob, of course, is running around shirtless.”

Ashley Greene and Xavier Samuel attend Eclipse Screening in Belgium

June 30th, 2010 | Ashley Greene, Xavier Samuel | No Comments »

Ashley Greene and Xavier Samuel were in Antwerp, Belgium, this evening to premiere Eclipse.

Intense Victoria and Riley Scene

August 23rd, 2009 | Bryce Dallas Howard, Eclipse, Twilight News, Xavier Samuel | No Comments »

LaineyGossip has this juicy and exciting kissing picture from the Twilight Saga: Eclipse film shoot


Click here to see the full article and more pictures of the sort.

Ashley Greene and Xavier Samuel Out and About

August 23rd, 2009 | Ashley Greene, Eclipse, Twilight News, Xavier Samuel | No Comments »

Eclipse stars Ashley Greene and Xavier Samuel were spotted out and about in Vancouver. The Twi-stars were seen leaving the hotel together for an evening out after a busy week filming on the third installment.


Rare Xavier Samuel Photo

August 23rd, 2009 | Eclipse, Xavier Samuel | No Comments »

xavier samule

I totally underestimated his looks! Xavier Samuel — Eclipse’s Riley, is a 10!

Xavier Samuel’s First Radio Interview!

July 20th, 2009 | Twilight News, Xavier Samuel | No Comments »

Check out the latest clip of an Interview between Xavier Samuel and an Aussie radio station found at the hot30.

What are your opinions of the newcomer?

First Interview with Xavier Samuel

July 18th, 2009 | Twilight News, Xavier Samuel | No Comments »

So what do you think of this aussie cutie? Many of the fans seem to be very welcoming of Xavier Samuel, and excited for his new career within the United States. The Australian radio show Hot30 has the first ever interview with the newly cast, Riley, in Eclipse.

The interview revealed three things about Samuel and his experience with the Twilight series: He made his initial audition tape in Sydney, then flew to Vancouver and LA to meet the crew, and just found out yesterday that he landed the role, Xavier watched Twilight for the first time during the plane trip to North America, and this is his FIRST (of many to come) American roles.


And the Winner Is… XAVIER SAMUEL!

July 17th, 2009 | Twilight News, Xavier Samuel | No Comments »
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Sorry Fans, but Tom Felton (Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter) will NOT be Riley in Twilight’s third installment, Eclipse. The first big casting revealing was of the unknown Australian actor, Xavier Samuel, who will play the role of the newborn vamp, Riley. Although Samuel is not a big name within the United States, he is surely known and has appeared in many films in Australia.
For those of you who want some backup info on who Riley is: Riley was originally a human college student, who fell under the spell of the vengeful Victoria. As a newborn ravenous vampire he joins Victoria in a plot to kill Bella Swan.


Don’t forget, Eclipse begins shooting in August in Vancouver for the June 30, 2010 release date!