Breaking Dawn News

M. Night Shyamalan MAY Direct Breaking Dawn

March 31st, 2010 | Breaking Dawn | No Comments »
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A number of names have been thrown around about who may direct Breaking Dawn. Add M. Night Shyamalan to the list.

Read the article at MTV.

Here is an excerpt:

Well I’m here today to make things even more confusing. This isn’t an official possibility on the table for Summit — as far as we know — but a noteworthy filmmaker professed his love for Stephenie Meyer’s vampire series in a chat on the Kid’s Choice Awards red carpet over the weekend: M. Night Shyamalan.

“I would’ve loved to be– I love the series, and Catherine [Hardwicke's] movie, it was one of my favorite movies of that year,” he said. “Really, I thought tonally, it was a perfect movie. I called her up after I saw ‘Twilight’ and was like ‘That was amazing.’ So I’m a big fan.”

ClevverTV: Latest News on Twilight Saga

July 14th, 2009 | Ashley Greene, Twilight News | No Comments »
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ClevverTV has a new video discussing some newly released info about the rest of the Twilight series  following New Moon. Eclipse is to start filming August 17, with Breaking Dawn filming shortly thereafter on October 31. Such a tight squeeze for both movies—Ashley Greene revealed that she hasn’t even seen the script yet! There is also a little controversy over the fourth and final film, Breaking Dawn. Watch now to find out the details!