bryce dallas howard News

Marc Malkin, E! speaks on the Victoria Debate

August 1st, 2009 | Bryce Dallas Howard, Rachelle Lefevre, Twilight News | 1 Comment »
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Marc Malkin From E! Gossip speaks his mind on the Victoria drama. What is your opinion on this whole scenario– all for Ron Howard’s daughter Bryce, or on Team Rachelle?

Rachelle Lefevre To Be Replaced..

July 28th, 2009 | Bryce Dallas Howard, Rachelle Lefevre, Twilight News | No Comments »
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Rachelle Lefevre who played the ravenous Victoria will be “eclipsed” by Bryce Dallas Howard for the third Twilight installment Eclipse. This is rather disheartening news to many fans, including myself, because I feel as if she has done an extraordinary job in taking on the role. Eclipse is the biggest role that Victoria is a part of, and it may seem a little off balance trying to replace Victoria with newcomer Bryce Dallas Howard. However, Howard is a prominent actress who had lead roles in The Village and Spiderman 3. There is no doubt in my mind that Howard will be a great Victoria.

Best of luck to Rachelle Lefevre and her future career!