Christian Serratos News

10 Secrets from the Eclipse Set

September 17th, 2009 | Twilight News | No Comments »


From Life & Style, Christian Serratos talks about the set secrets of Eclipse. Must buy the magazine in order to see the details behind the secrets, but here is the list:

SECRET #1: The movie is not filmed in sequence.

SECRET #2: The new directors keeps the cast on its toes.

SECRET #3: Fun and Games.

SECRET #4: Hanging out in groups offset is hard.

SECRET #5: The new actors fit right in.

SECRET #6: There’s a Twitter war on set.

SECRET #7: A Twilight Halloween.

SECRET #8: What nonvampires really eat.

SECRET #9: There’s a lot of prep time before filming even starts every day.

SECRET #10: Fans hunted down Rob and the crew.

Christian Serratos Music Single

August 31st, 2009 | Twilight News | No Comments »

This is the first single from the debut album of Christian Serratos, Why Are the Boys Like That. Reminder, Christian Serratos plays Angela in Twilight. I had no idea she was trying to pursue a music career. What are your opinions of this song?

Filming New Moon an “Epic Experience”, says Christian Serratos

August 25th, 2009 | New Moon | No Comments »


New Moon‘sl Christian Serratos was at a Nylon party last night in Hollywood and Radar had a chance to catch up with the actress and ask what it was like filming New Moon.

In the interview she stated, “It was an epic experience and so massive,” She explained at the Nylon Magazine party on Monday night at Hollywood’s Mondrian Hotel. “I didn’t expect it. But we all get along so well. We film and get our work done, and then we all get together, we go to dinner, we have fun, we’re all around the same age so we just mesh really well.”

And of course, the reporter on hand asked to clarify the rumors about Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart. Serratos’s response — “Hell if I know!”

To see the full interview and read more, click here.

MTVs Interview with Christian Serratos

August 7th, 2009 | Twilight News | No Comments »
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Christian Serratos who plays Angela Webber in Twilight has an interview with MTV about New Moon. Check out the video!

MTV: What do you have in your “Twilight” clothes collection?

Serratos: I have a lot of “Twilight” gear. I love the hoodies that say “vampires” and “werewolves,” but I refuse to get one because I can’t choose; I have to have them both. I have the Team Edward T-shirt, but I also have Team Jacob.

MTV: Why is there no “Team Human” stuff?

Serratos: That’s what I’m saying! I think we should take it into our own hands.

MTV: What kind of merchandise would you like to see for Angela, Mike and the other humans?

Serratos: Probably it would be an imitation of my glasses? … [It would be easy] going to a convention where you have to dress up, and you’re like “Oh, I am dressed up!” “No you’re not!” “Yes I am. I’m a human!”

MTV: OK, so let’s talk “New Moon” a little bit. How was the shoot?

Serratos: Chris [Weitz] was amazing, like, fantastic. I was really happy working with him. We shot in Vancouver [British Columbia], which was a good change from Portland [Oregon]. I love the city Portland, and I’ve been back there since, but in Vancouver the weather was a lot better, and I didn’t wanna die at the end of the day, because it wasn’t extremely cold. I’m excited to go film “Eclipse.” That’s gonna be next month already — they are already cranking it out.

MTV: And they’ll be shooting that in Vancouver as well?

Serratos: Yeah. I haven’t read the script yet. I didn’t bring my laptop with me, so I saw it on my phone — on my e-mail — and I was like, “I wish I could download this as an attachment, but I can’t!”

MTV: How were the re-created sets in Vancouver? Obviously, most of your stuff takes place in the school cafeteria.

Serratos: Yeah, they did a really good job re-creating things. Obviously, we didn’t have the same parking lot and everything. There were a lot of green screens and things. I don’t even know how they do it.

MTV: Was it weird walking into the “new” cafeteria with the other humans?

Serratos: Yeah, because the cafeteria was still a cafeteria. When we walked into that cafeteria, we were like, “We’re in a different country, and it still looks exactly the same!” Like, seriously, they could have just picked it up and dropped it in Vancouver. It looks identical — that was creepy until I got used to it. But the parking lot, that is what was green-screened.

To read more of the interview, you can read it here!