clevverTV News

Robert Pattinson Cozying Up with Emilie de Ravin

December 31st, 2009 | Twilight News | No Comments »

“Robert Pattinson is cozying up to a beautiful actress, and this time it’s not Kristen Stewart. But it’s also not what you might be thinking.

In preparation for the upcoming release of “Remember Me,” Robert Pattinson and his co-star Emilie de Ravin shot a spread for Vogue Magazine. The layout was shot at LACMA, which is a museum here in Los Angeles.

The photos will be used to promote the duo’s movie and also as part of a big spread for the magazine’s annual power issue. We hear that the pics will have an edgier look, with Emilie in high fashion attire that’s sort of tattered and R-patz in suits.

The photo shoot was completely concealed and tarps covered the areas where the actors were posing, so we don’t have many more details. I guess we’ll just have to wait until the movie hits theaters in March to see the couple in action. So, will you guys be heading out to see this movie? Give us your yeigh or neigh below.”

ClevverTV: Eclipse Update and Bryce Dallas Howard

December 21st, 2009 | Eclipse | No Comments »