Mandy has seen the film a few times is now able to give us a list of where ALL of the songs on the Eclipse soundtrack appear in the film.
1. Metric “Eclipse (All Yours)” –
Instrumental played in last meadow scene as well as various other points in the film at various speeds. Regular version in credits.
2. Muse “Neutron Star Collision ( Love is Forever)” –
2nd song played during graduation party at Cullen’s house.
3. The Bravery “Ours” –
1st song played during graduation party at Cullen’s house.
4. Florence + The Machine “Heavy in your Arms” –
Credits. Sadly. I think this song is a fan favourite and we all had high expectations for it’s placement. Then again, a song gets more playtime in credits.
5. Sia “My Love” –
Leg Hitch Lovin’ rawr! At the Cullen house in Edward’s new bed. This is when Bella wants to have sex and they make-out then Edward rejects her telling her he is old fashioned.
6. Fan Farlo “Atlas” –
Plays briefly in Edwards car when he drives Bella to drop her off with Jacob.
7. The Black Keys “Chop and Change” –
This is in the opening when Riley leaves the bar and the shadow version of Victoria bites and changes him.
8. The Dead Weather “Rolling in on a Burning Tire” –
Victoria and Riley under the bridge (well it just looks like a bad part of town)
9. Beck and Bat for Lashes ” Let’s Get Lost”-
Bella reading the letter from Jacob and going to her truck only to find Edward has made it so she can’t go anywhere.
10. Vampire Weekend “Jonathon Low”-
Edward drops Bella off to go hang with Jacob and they go to Sam & Emily’s place.
11. Unkle “With You in My Head (featuring The Black Angels)” –
Fight training with the Cullen’s and the wolves.
12. Eastern Conference Champions ” A Million Miles an Hour” –
In the school parking lot when Jacob is on his motorbike as Edward and Bella arrive.
13. Band of Horses ” Life on Earth”-
Bella & Edward in Bella’s bed discussing “You’ll always be my Bella””
14. Cee Lo Green “What Part of Forever” –
15. Howard Shore “Jacob’s Theme”-
When Jacob tells Bella “Choose Me” also when they kiss before battle and finally when he is injured at the end in bed and she visits him.
Also Bonus Tracks:
“The Line” by Battles
I don’t know when
“How Can You Swallow So Much Sleep” by Bombay Bicycle Club
During Cafeteria Scene?
“Clair de Lune”
When Bella arrives at Edward’s house before the leg hitch / bedroom scene. Also when Edward gives her the diamond heart to add to her bracelet.