Jacob Black News

New Stills from Eclipse: Jacob Carrying Bella and the Push Away

April 5th, 2010 | Eclipse | 1 Comment »
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I would have to assume that these clips are from when Jacob is carrying Bella up the mountain, followed by when Jacob kisses Bella and she retaliates.

New Eclipse Stills

March 31st, 2010 | Eclipse | No Comments »
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Check out the latest stills from New moon!

Team Jacob vs. Team Edward, the Cullen clan, and a fireside picture of Jacob and Bella.


Edward and Jacob Stockings

December 25th, 2009 | Twilight News | 1 Comment »
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Adorable stockings of Jacob and Edward.


July 24th, 2009 | New Moon, Twilight News | 1 Comment »
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So I stumbled upon two newly released clips from New Moon. They are taped by the fans and the quality is poor, but they are TRULY TRULY AWESOME. Watch now, they might be removed shortly from youtube!

First clip is with Jacob and Bella testing out the motorcycles:

And here is the final Volturi rescue scene:


And How Did Taylor Lautner Get SO Jacked?

July 19th, 2009 | Taylor Lautner, Twilight News | 1 Comment »
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In the Fandango “New Moon” movie set report, Taylor Lautner revealed his intense workout plans. He is training like a true athlete!


Taylor stated, “I’d wake up and my trainer would be like, ‘You need to have six egg whites, bacon, and toast. It became a lot. That was the hardest part, especially putting something in my mouth every two hours. At one point, my trainer was literally like, ‘Put anything in your mouth! Go to McDonald’s. Get the biggest shake possible. I just need get calories in you!’ Because my body fat at that time was only 7 ½ percent.”

In the recent interview with Interview Magazine (a few posts down), Taylor stated, “The day I finished Twilight, I came home and started bulking up. For New Moon, I’m 30 pounds heavier than I was in Twilight.”

In the Twilight series, Jacob continually grows at a fast rate. He is supposed to be even BIGGER in the future film, Eclipse. His next goal: gaining another 10 pounds of muscle. Hope he enjoys milkshakes!