New Moon News

MTVs Interview with Christian Serratos

August 7th, 2009 | Twilight News | No Comments »
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Christian Serratos who plays Angela Webber in Twilight has an interview with MTV about New Moon. Check out the video!

MTV: What do you have in your “Twilight” clothes collection?

Serratos: I have a lot of “Twilight” gear. I love the hoodies that say “vampires” and “werewolves,” but I refuse to get one because I can’t choose; I have to have them both. I have the Team Edward T-shirt, but I also have Team Jacob.

MTV: Why is there no “Team Human” stuff?

Serratos: That’s what I’m saying! I think we should take it into our own hands.

MTV: What kind of merchandise would you like to see for Angela, Mike and the other humans?

Serratos: Probably it would be an imitation of my glasses? … [It would be easy] going to a convention where you have to dress up, and you’re like “Oh, I am dressed up!” “No you’re not!” “Yes I am. I’m a human!”

MTV: OK, so let’s talk “New Moon” a little bit. How was the shoot?

Serratos: Chris [Weitz] was amazing, like, fantastic. I was really happy working with him. We shot in Vancouver [British Columbia], which was a good change from Portland [Oregon]. I love the city Portland, and I’ve been back there since, but in Vancouver the weather was a lot better, and I didn’t wanna die at the end of the day, because it wasn’t extremely cold. I’m excited to go film “Eclipse.” That’s gonna be next month already — they are already cranking it out.

MTV: And they’ll be shooting that in Vancouver as well?

Serratos: Yeah. I haven’t read the script yet. I didn’t bring my laptop with me, so I saw it on my phone — on my e-mail — and I was like, “I wish I could download this as an attachment, but I can’t!”

MTV: How were the re-created sets in Vancouver? Obviously, most of your stuff takes place in the school cafeteria.

Serratos: Yeah, they did a really good job re-creating things. Obviously, we didn’t have the same parking lot and everything. There were a lot of green screens and things. I don’t even know how they do it.

MTV: Was it weird walking into the “new” cafeteria with the other humans?

Serratos: Yeah, because the cafeteria was still a cafeteria. When we walked into that cafeteria, we were like, “We’re in a different country, and it still looks exactly the same!” Like, seriously, they could have just picked it up and dropped it in Vancouver. It looks identical — that was creepy until I got used to it. But the parking lot, that is what was green-screened.

To read more of the interview, you can read it here!

ET Interview with Screenwriter

August 5th, 2009 | Twilight News | No Comments »
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Entertainment tonight had an interview with Twilight screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg. She gets into a lot of details about New Moon, and how it’ll be THAT MUCH better than Twilight. Read below!

ET: What can you tell us about ‘New Moon’ and ‘Eclipse’?

Melissa Rosenberg: It becomes bigger in scope. The first film was really a small romance in a way. There was the battle with James (Cam Gigandet) at the end. That was as big as it got. With ‘New Moon,’ we have the werewolf clan, we have the Vulturi — and in ‘Eclipse,’ there is an epic battle, so with every book, with every episode of the movie, it gets grander in scope, which is fun to write. What was great about that, too, is with the small story and the characters … to be able to grow with it and track it through, it has really been a great pleasure.

ET: Are you writing for the chemistry between Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart?

Melissa Rosenberg: When I wrote ‘Twilight,’ I didn’t know who was starring in it, so I wrote in a vacuum. There was some rewriting that had to be done when we knew who they were, because I had started with more of a comedic edge and it wasn’t appropriate for those actors and the tone. I lean toward the dark comedy, witness “Dexter.” So, going into ‘New Moon’ and ‘Eclipse,’ I knew who I was writing for. I knew who the characters were and what their voices were. It got even easier with ‘Eclipse.’ [Author] Stephenie Meyer‘s created the character’s chemistry; and those two actors brought so much chemistry. I don’t think the movies would have been so successful without those two actors and their chemistry. ‘Twilight’ was beautifully cast.

ET: What was the set of ‘New Moon’ like?

Melissa Rosenberg: ‘New Moon’ was one of the happiest sets I have ever been on. The guy who picked me up, said, “This is a great set. [Director] Chris Weitz is a genius. It is so wonderful.” I was, “Okay, dude, you are overselling.” But I got on the set and it was just delightful. You can tell when it is uncomfortable and they are not connecting. Chris Weitz is just a Zen master. I went to him and I was, “You are so cool and calm. And everyone is so cool and calm.” He said, “You have no idea what it is going to cost me.” My husband is a director and I know what it costs him. You have to tamp down every ounce of panic and frustration in order to project this calmness. I hope Chris got a good vacation between production and post.

ET: What do you think of the recasting of Rachelle Lefevre?

Melissa Rosenberg: I love Rachelle, but Bryce Dallas Howard? It was a shame, but I think Rachelle will go on to do brilliant things. I just love her. I am sure Bryce will be great.

ET: There is a fourth book. Will the franchise continue?

Melissa Rosenberg: I can’t imagine Summit letting that go. Right now we are focused on ‘Eclipse.’ We are just about to start. I imagine there will be discussions.

To read more and see some pics, you can get it here!

Blue October’s Inspiration

August 5th, 2009 | New Moon, Stephenie Meyer, Twilight News | No Comments »
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Each book of the Twilight Series has a song that was of inspiration during Stephenie Meyer’s writing process. Twilight was dedicated to MUSE, and now New Moon’s leading musical influence is Blue October, specifically the song “Hate Me.” The song in totally in sync with the point where Edward leaves Bella in New Moon. Hopefully the song will make it onto the New Moon Soundtrack which is yet to be released.

Check out the video below which first clears up some rumors that have been going around, and then goes on to discuss Blue October’s inspirational force.

2010 New Moon Calendar

August 5th, 2009 | New Moon, Twilight News | 1 Comment »

Here are the photos that are in the New Moon 2010 Calendar. The quality of the pictures are bad since they are scans, but they are GREAT shots. Click on the picture for the larger image.

New Moon Calendar
New Moon Calendar
New Moon Calendar
New Moon Calendar
New Moon Calendar
New Moon Calendar
New Moon Calendar
New Moon Calendar
New Moon Calendar
New Moon Calendar
New Moon Calendar
New Moon Calendar

MTV Interview with Chris Wentz

August 4th, 2009 | Chris Wentz, Twilight News | No Comments »
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MTV got an interview with Chris Wentz where they discuss Jacob (as he cracks a few jokes) and Dakota Fanning as Jane.

Here is the actual Interview:
MTV: We all remember that there was a lot of drama around whether Taylor would return for “New Moon.” How close did he come to not being asked back?

Weitz: When I first met with him, I took off my shirt and I said, “You’ve got two months to look this good.” And he said, “I’m willing to try that.” Finally, he came back, and the results were just about as good as my abs. [Laughs.]

MTV: You must have a real six-pack.

Weitz: To answer your question seriously, the character in the second book is meant to be 6-foot-5, let alone transform into a werewolf and all that stuff. And Taylor, having only done three days of work in the first [movie], it was time to take a pause and say, “Should Taylor go ahead and do it?” My overwhelming feeling was, “Yes, absolutely, let’s go forward with it.” To me, it wasn’t a very difficult decision. For Taylor, it wasn’t difficult at all. He knew the character, and he embodied the character — as people are going to see in the movie. So it wasn’t really as tense and as scary a moment as it was portrayed in the media.

MTV: What can you tell us about Dakota Fanning’s performance as the evil vampire Jane?

Weitz: Well, it’s the scariest performance probably you’ve seen out of her so far, because she’s evil for once in her career. I think she really appreciated the chance to do that.

MTV: Yeah, she must turn that “adorable Dakota Fanning” thing on its ear.

Weitz: Absolutely. But what you expect from Dakota Fanning is uncannily grown-up, experienced and clever acting — and that’s what she did. I think she was just keen to do this part and to be part of the franchise, and she is genuinely scary.

You can read more here.

Which Director Got the Right Visual Effect?

August 4th, 2009 | Chris Wentz, Twilight News | 2 Comments »
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What do you prefer? The older Catherine Hardwicke or the newer Chris Wentz pictures?

“Twilight” Cast to Finally Address Rachelle Issue

August 3rd, 2009 | Jackson Rathbone, Peter Facinelli, Twilight News | No Comments »
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MTV did an interview with Peter Facinelli and Jackson Rathbone. Although not much was said, both are very saddened by their loss of the cast member and have high hopes for Miss Howard.
Here are the interviews:

Tinsel Korey Interview (Talk of Emily’s Scar)

August 3rd, 2009 | Tinsel Korey, Twilight News | No Comments »
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Radar did an excellent interview with Tinsel Korey on her character as Sam Uley’s wife, Emily. She delves into the makeup process of the humongous scar that takes over half her face. Korey even states “Kristen Stewart wasn’t acting and she was really taken aback by the scar the first time she saw my disfigured face.” For the full article, click here.

Worldwide Release Dates

August 3rd, 2009 | Twilight News | No Comments »
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Summit has put out a list of release dates for The Twilight Saga: New Moon on the official New Moon web site. Here they are (sucks to be Greece!)

Argentina – November 19, 2009
Austria – January 8, 2010
Australia – November 19, 2009
Belgium – November 18, 2009
Bolivia – January 1, 2010
Brazil – November 20, 2009
Bulgaria – November 20, 2009
Canada – November 20, 2009
Chile – November 26, 2009
China – TBD
Colombia – January 1, 2010
CIS – December 3, 2009
Costa Rica – November 2009
Croatia – December 10, 2009
Czech Republic – November 26, 2009
Denmark – November 20, 2009
Dominican Republic – November 2009
Ecuador – January 1, 2010
Egypt – December 23, 2009
Estonia – November 27, 2009
Finland – November 20, 2009
France – November 18, 2009
Germany – January 7, 2010
Greece – January 19, 2009
Guatemala – November 2009
Honduras – November 2009
Hong Kong – December 17, 2009
Hungary – November 19, 2009
Iceland – November 20, 2009
India – TBD
Indonesia – November 21, 2009
Israel – December 10, 2009
Italy – November 20, 2009
Japan – November 28, 2009
Latvia – TBD
Lebanon – November 26, 2009
Lithuania – November 27, 2009
Malaysia – November 26, 2009
Mexico – November 20, 2009
The Netherlands – November 19, 2009
New Zealand – November 19, 2009
Norway – November 20, 2009
Pakistan – TBD
Panama – November 2009
Peru – November 26, 2009
Philippines – November 20, 2009
Poland – November 20, 2009
Portugal – November 26, 2009
Romania – November 20, 2009
Serbia – TBD
Singapore – December 3, 2009
Slovak Republic – January 14, 2009
Slovenia – TBD
South Africa – November 27, 2009
South Korea – December 3, 2009
Sweden – November 20, 2009
Switzerland, French – November 18, 2009
Switzerland, German – January 7, 20010
Switzerland, Italian – November 20, 2009
Taiwan – December 4, 2009
Thailand – November 19, 2009
Turkey – November 20, 2009
UAE – November 26, 2009
United States – November 20, 2009
Ukraine – December 3, 2009
United Kingdom – November 20, 2009
Uruguay – January 1, 2010
Venezuela – November 27, 2009
Vietnam – TBD
West Indies – TBD

Top 10 Reveals of New Moon

July 28th, 2009 | Kristen Stewart, New Moon, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner, Twilight News | 2 Comments »
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Comic-con is finally a wrap! Over the course of this week, fans have been able to get a great inside look to the new addition to the Twilight series, as well as some amazing sneak peeks. Rotten Tomatoes did an awesome conclusion with “Top 10 Reveals of New Moon”

1. Summit Entertainment knows its audience, evidenced by the two scenes they brought to Comic-Con.

2. Director Chris Weitz will use a lot of dialogue straight from the book.

3. Taylor Lautner is the press-friendly celebrity star that New Moon needed.

4. Kristen Stewart knows that Bella is a head case in New Moon.

5. A year later, Kristen Stewart’s life is just as crazy and her answers just as wry as they were during Twilight.

6. The New Moon kids like it when their characters suffer

7.  Kristen Stewart can’t wait to have Rob Pattinson’s baby! (Just kidding.)

8. If you post a New Moon reaction video to YouTube, Chris Weitz is probably watching it right now.

9. Twilight fanaticism was as strong as ever this year.

10. The anti-Twilight backlash finally has a name!

To read the in depth paragraphs for each of the top 10, check out the website here