Robert Pattinson News

Must Be Nice Being Known As the Sexiest, Again..

August 5th, 2009 | Robert Pattinson, Twilight News | No Comments »

Robert Pattinson has done it again. Another sweeping win in a poll of “Sexiest Man In the World” – but this time voted upon by British Glamour magazine.

What did Pattinson have to say this time around about another feat of sexiness? “The hottest actor stuff doesn’t really mean anything. You have a month maybe with all this heat and hype.”


Here is the rest of the top 10 from Glamour Magazine:
1. Robert Pattinson
2. Johnny Depp
3. Hugh Jackman
4. David Beckham
5. Brad Pitt
6. Zac Efron
7. George Clooney
8. Chace Crawford
9. Justin Timberlake
10. Colin Firth

You can read more of the article here.

Pattinson’s Single Life: OK! Magazine

August 4th, 2009 | Robert Pattinson | No Comments »

In the latest interview by OK! magazine (UK verison) Robert stomps on all rumors of him and Kristen and talks about being Edward Cullen, yet again.


Did you have any idea what you were in store for when you signed up for Twilight?

No way. I read the script and I barely even knew that they were books too. The only reason I went to the audition was to see Kristen, because I’d just seen Into The Wild.

Are you saying you had a little bit of a crush on her?
Of course! No, we are just very good friends.

But there have been a lot of rumours about you two…
I know – but honestly, we are just friends.

Do you have a girlfriend?

No, no. I am young, free and single.

What do you look for in a lady?
I like people being forward. Gosh, I don’t know. I like strong people, chiselled abs… I don’t know, I take what I can get!

What is the hardest part of being Edward Cullen?
Probably trying to be scary when you’re supposed to be looking pretty at the same time.

Does it worry you that you may always be cast as a heart-throb?
I’m so surprised things have worked out the way they have, I just keep thinking the whole time, I don’t really have the right personality to fit in to that kind of role.

If you could live forever, like Edward Cullen, what would you do?
Probably learn to speak French. Or I might spend three weeks straight with no sleep learning the piano. You’d get really good at stuff because you would have time to do everything.

You have said that Edward is a little obsessive – are you surprised that girls think of Edward as the most perfect boyfriend ever?
It’s weird, but girls always seem like that. Being a guy, you always just look at girls and think, why are you with that guy? With virtually anyone the nice guys always seem to come last.

To read more you can click here.

Keep the Quotes Coming Robert..

July 30th, 2009 | Robert Pattinson | 29 Comments »
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Another quote of the day, thanks to Robert Pattinson on Edward Cullen.

“If Edward wasn’t a fictional character… he is like one of those guys who would probably be an axe murderer or something.” -Robert Pattinson
Edward Cullen
… Doesn’t look like an axe murderer to me!

Robert and Kristen, Linked in Love

July 29th, 2009 | Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Twilight News, Twilight Rumors | 4 Comments »
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People are sick and tired of guessing whether Kristen and Robert are officially a couple. The chase to get to the bottom of this is now extended even MORE due to the latest picture that is out, thanks to Allie Is Kristen and Rob have matching bracelets. Are they JUST friendship bracelets? That IS the question.
Read more here.

Quote of the Day: Robert Pattinson

July 29th, 2009 | Robert Pattinson, Twilight News | 6 Comments »
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In the latest interview with OK Magazine, Robert Pattinson reasons with why girls are so infatuated with Edward Cullen. He believes it’s the good old — “good girls love bad boys”

“With virtually anyone, the nice guys always seem to come last. You always get weirdos like Edward who seem to attract women for some reason.”

There you have it, Robert Pattinson thinks that Edward Cullen is a weirdo, hah!

Top 10 Reveals of New Moon

July 28th, 2009 | Kristen Stewart, New Moon, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner, Twilight News | 2 Comments »
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Comic-con is finally a wrap! Over the course of this week, fans have been able to get a great inside look to the new addition to the Twilight series, as well as some amazing sneak peeks. Rotten Tomatoes did an awesome conclusion with “Top 10 Reveals of New Moon”

1. Summit Entertainment knows its audience, evidenced by the two scenes they brought to Comic-Con.

2. Director Chris Weitz will use a lot of dialogue straight from the book.

3. Taylor Lautner is the press-friendly celebrity star that New Moon needed.

4. Kristen Stewart knows that Bella is a head case in New Moon.

5. A year later, Kristen Stewart’s life is just as crazy and her answers just as wry as they were during Twilight.

6. The New Moon kids like it when their characters suffer

7.  Kristen Stewart can’t wait to have Rob Pattinson’s baby! (Just kidding.)

8. If you post a New Moon reaction video to YouTube, Chris Weitz is probably watching it right now.

9. Twilight fanaticism was as strong as ever this year.

10. The anti-Twilight backlash finally has a name!

To read the in depth paragraphs for each of the top 10, check out the website here

Twilight Press Conference at Comic-Con

July 24th, 2009 | Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner, Twilight News | No Comments »
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Comic-con, an annual fan convention in San Diego, is having a HUGE turn out with Twilight fans. During the press conference Rob, Kristen, and Taylor were asked questions from reporters and the surrounding audience. Here is the full press conference at Comic-Con yesterday with Rob Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, and Taylor Lautner:

Shakira Has the Hots for Pattinson, But Who Doesn’t?

July 22nd, 2009 | Robert Pattinson, Twilight News | No Comments »
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In an MTV Interview all Shakira could say was, “I love twilight… I LOVE twilight..but I can’t say what I love about Twilight” This isn’t much news to us, don’t we all love Twilight?
When asked if the reason for her love for Twilight was Robert Pattinson she broke out into giggles! (not surprising either since MANY people love Pattinson)
Check out the Shakira’s interview about Twilight here:

Hottest “Dude” of the Summer..

July 21st, 2009 | Robert Pattinson, Twilight News | No Comments »

Hands down, Robert Pattinson is the hottest man this summer. It may now be a proven fact given the recent poll on E! Online. Robert Pattinson, Zac Efron, Channing Tatum and Bruno (Sacha Baron Cohen) were four of the candidates, but Pattinson won by a landslide with getting 60%  of the votes.  All four men were featured this year in  GQ Magazine, and I would have to agree with the 60% of fans who concluded that Pattinson IS the #1 hunk.
“Think Rob will be voted hottest dude of fall, winter and spring, too? We wouldn’t doubt it.” states E!Online (click to read more)

15 Things You May or May Not Know About Pattinson

July 19th, 2009 | Robert Pattinson, Twilight News | No Comments »
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One reporter from sat around the new set of New Moon for two days simply examining Pattinson to inform us of things we may not know!

Here are the lists in brief:
1. Robert Pattinson is a sugar hound, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups and a can of coke preferably.
2. “Edward Cullen” was embroidered on the back of his chair, but was covered in yellow tape and rewritten over with his actual name, ROBERT.
3. In one scene for New Moon Robert wears an ankle-length maroon cloak (VOLTUUUURI)
4. Robert was in need of the green screen for most of the new film.
5. Robert seems very eager to end his work day.
6. Despite some crazed fans, on the set he seemed very friendly to them. He was introduce to Rachelle Leferve’s little sister and was all smiles.
7. In New Moon, Edward is simply a voice in Bella’s head. However, in the film, he appears to bella in vision form.
8. Of course, Robert is entirely gorgeous.
9. This picture from March 2009 GQ hangs in the production office at Vancouver Sound Studios.
10. The reporter captured one of the scenes and stated:
“I stood behind Stephenie Meyer while watching Pattinson, Stewart, Ashley Greene, Michael Sheen, Cameron Bright and Dakota Fanning film a scene in the Volturri lair. It went a little something like this:

Edward, Bella and Alice stand in front of the Volturri. Edward, looking many gray shades of haggard, takes a dramatic step toward the vampires and seems to hit an invisible wall. He crumbles to the ground, writhing in pain. Alice, wearing red gloves, crouches down to tend to him.

Bella: “Stop, stop! Try it on me. Just stop hurting him!” ”

The scene was done atleast 5 times, and everytime Pattinson’s body was fully thrown into the ground. His work must hurt.

11. He has a very confident swagger of a guy that does well with the ladies.
12. Rachelle Leferve says despite the “international pandemonium he causes” Robert is just a very humble and down to earth guy.
13. People cater left and right to him.
14. Lautner seems to be a little jealous over Pattinson. When reporter asked Lautner the one bonus power he would give himself as Jacob he responded, “I want to steal one of Edward’s powers”
15. The only time she saw Kristen Stewart not on screen was when she walked by me on her way to the set. She was with Robert. Real suprising.

To read more, visit