Have you ever wondered just how the wolves were put into action in the movie, or just how Kristen Stewart as Bella, was able to pet the transformed wolf, Jacob?
Check out the pictures below!
Have you ever wondered just how the wolves were put into action in the movie, or just how Kristen Stewart as Bella, was able to pet the transformed wolf, Jacob?
Check out the pictures below!
The classic Wuthering Heights (Edward and Bella’s favorite book) by Emily Bronte is showcasing a new little flare and influence by the Twilight Saga. The cover of Wuthering Heights replicates the black, white and red style seen on the covers of the Twilight books. Given the spelling of “Favorite” between the two, the version on the right must be the UK version.
What do you prefer? The older Catherine Hardwicke or the newer Chris Wentz pictures?