Victoria News

And the Winner Is… XAVIER SAMUEL!

July 17th, 2009 | Twilight News, Xavier Samuel | No Comments »
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Sorry Fans, but Tom Felton (Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter) will NOT be Riley in Twilight’s third installment, Eclipse. The first big casting revealing was of the unknown Australian actor, Xavier Samuel, who will play the role of the newborn vamp, Riley. Although Samuel is not a big name within the United States, he is surely known and has appeared in many films in Australia.
For those of you who want some backup info on who Riley is: Riley was originally a human college student, who fell under the spell of the vengeful Victoria. As a newborn ravenous vampire he joins Victoria in a plot to kill Bella Swan.


Don’t forget, Eclipse begins shooting in August in Vancouver for the June 30, 2010 release date!