Volvo News

Volvo Sales Increase, and Twilight’s To Blame

February 9th, 2010 | Twilight News | No Comments »


According to Crains’s Chicago Business:

“ has inspired sales of Aston Martins and BMWs with his super-cool onscreen wheels. Now a vampire who drives a Volvo is getting the attention of young drivers.

Since the release of “” in 2008, teens and young adults have been drawn to the Volvo C30, driven by the character Edward Cullen.

“All these teenagers were going crazy about the C30,” says Carmelo Scalzo, general manager of Volvo of Oak Park. “After the movie launched, we saw this spike in C30 sales. We didn’t know what had happened until we put two and two together.”

Now they are talking about the slick, bright silver car used in Twilight (Pel affectionately calls this this vehicle Herbie the Lovebug on speed). No one has any real date on the dark colored SUV-like vehicle used in . It will be interesting to see if this time next year the sales will have increased for that vehicle as well.

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Edward Cullen’s ‘New Moon’ Volvo “Hot Specials of the Month”

September 21st, 2009 | New Moon, Twilight News | No Comments »



And now Volvo’s marketing strategy is using Edward Cullen to sell the car. It is a pretty great idea to have him on the site, famous figures sell!