Kristen Stewart is looking beautiful for the January 2010 cover of Allure Korea.
Twilight News, Rumors, and Gossip
Kristen Stewart on Korea’s Allure
December 31st, 2009 | Kristen Stewart | 1 Comment »Tags: Allure
Most Absurd Twilight Posts of the Year
December 31st, 2009 | Twilight News | No Comments »One follower of Twilight decided to post the most absurd twilight articles, posts, and new stories of the year. Some of them are actually very twisted, specifically the first one– which I just heard about myself! To check out more articles on this, click here.
But below is the list of the most absurd “twilight-ness” of 2009!
- The Bella uterus made of felt. (See above). It’s broken because there’s a telepathic vampire adult-baby trying to escape, you see.
“My Life is Twilight.“ “Today I realized that since I started reading the TwilightTwilight books, every time my husband and I argue or he says something mean to me, all I can think of is ‘Edward would never say that/ treat me like that.’ MLIT” FML. F all our Ls.
- The New Moon missed connection. “after the movie i followed you and your friend to perkin’s. i waited outside in my car so i could watch you eat and smile. i followed you home and made sure you got there safely.i noticed you left you car unlocked so i went to have a look into your life. i can tell by looking in your car that we have a lot in common.”
- “I wanna be a stupid lamb.”
- The Twilight Prom, the loneliest place on Earth. “Hillywood Players walked amongst them dressed as Bella, Jasper, Alice and Edward — the latter had his shirt open to reveal his chest, naturally. After sniffing a few potential mates, “Edward” chose his dancing partner from among the blushing fans”
Google never lies: offers Twilight fansplus-sized jeans and a link to the Sex Offender Registry. (I got my sex offender a toaster.)
- Abstinence parable fans visit Italy, only to be groped by real-life Italian convicts.
- The Associated Press can’t tell Twilightdouches apart either.
- Put Edward Cullen’s face over your vagina, that way it feels like a guy might actually see it.
- Blood energy drink.
- Google search suggests “How to Become a Vampire.” Vampires are the undead, so wouldn’t the first step be killing yourself?
- The Edward Cullen corn maze. Corn mazes FTW, always.
- And finally, even though it’s from 2008, Tyra Banks makes Twihards compete for memorabilia… in a pie-eating contest. It’s only because they couldn’t figure out the logistics of a loneliness contest.
Rob Chipped His Tooth On Eclipse Set
December 31st, 2009 | Twilight News | No Comments »Just when we think we have enough funny anecdotes about Rob, there’s a new one! Bryce Dallas Howard shared a very funny conversation with Rob to, when a reporter asked yet again, about his hygiene.
“But what does he smell like?” we inquired. “Actually, he’s incredibly hygienic,” Howard insisted. “He told me this story that made me crack up. He was like, ‘Oh, I have to go to the dentist.’ And I was like, ‘Oh no, what happened? Just a check-up?’ And he was like, ‘No, I chipped a tooth.’ And I was like, ‘How?’ And he was like, ‘Flossing.’ Who does that? I don’t even floss. So he’s hygienic. Trust me.”
Kellan Lutz & Taylor Lautner to appear at People’s Choice Awards
December 31st, 2009 | Kellan Lutz, Taylor Lautner | No Comments »Tags: teen choice awards
SocialiteLife has reported that Kellan Lutz & Taylor Lautner will both be appearing at the People’s Choice Awards on behalf of the Twilight cast.
Read more here.
Twilight Gear: Cullen Crest Candle
December 31st, 2009 | Twilight News | No Comments »Buy this one of a kind candle
Something For the Fans?
December 31st, 2009 | David Slade | No Comments »Guess we’ll just have to wait and find out!
New Screencap of Robert Pattinson from ‘Remember Me’
December 30th, 2009 | Robert Pattinson | No Comments »Tags: Remember Me