Here is the cover of Tú Magazine from Mexico that features Robert Pattinson.
Twilight News, Rumors, and Gossip
Robert Pattinson on Tú Magazine
April 2nd, 2010 | Robert Pattinson | No Comments »Tags: Tú Magazine
Vote for Robert Pattinson on The 2010 TIME 100 Poll
April 1st, 2010 | Robert Pattinson | No Comments »Tags: the 2010 Time 100 Poll
Rob is on the The 2010 TIME 100 Poll to choose the most influential people in the world along side of political figures from around the world, various athletes and successful musicians.
Here is the information:
Age: 23
Occupation: Actor, teen idol
Previous TIME 100 Appearances: 0The Twilight saga has been a boon for the British heartthrob, who plays sparkly, sexy vampireEdward Cullen in the hit franchise. The third installment, Eclipse, comes out this summer, ensuring that Pattinson’s face — however pale — will be omnipresent.
His average ranking is currently at 74. You can vote for Rob here.
‘Remember Me’ for Pre-Order!
April 1st, 2010 | Robert Pattinson | No Comments »Tags: Remember Me
The Remember Me DVD and Blu-Ray will be released on June 22, 2010. The discs are available for PRE-ORDER at Amazon. Click here for and .
Ashley Greene in ‘Apparition’
April 1st, 2010 | Ashley Greene | No Comments »Tags: Sebastian Stan, The Apparition
Ashley Greene and her The Apparition co-star Sebastian Stan get cozy during film in these new pics.
The Twilight Saga: Eclipse Soundtrack for Pre-Order
April 1st, 2010 | Eclipse | No Comments »Tags: Amazon, Eclipse Soundtrack
The Twilight Saga Eclipse movie soundtrack is available for pre-order from . There are very few details-no cover art, no songs, no artists, not even a release date. If you are still curious, check it out .
Robert Pattinson NOT in Breaking Dawn- April Fools!
April 1st, 2010 | Breaking Dawn, Robert Pattinson | No Comments »Tags: Gossip Cop
Rumor has it that Robert Pattinson will NOT be in the 4th installment of the Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn.
Gossip Cop, gladly, but this April fools joke to rest, read the article below.
One that’s reached us (very early)announces, ”Robert Pattinson has confirmed that he is not going to appear in theEclipse sequel, Breaking Dawn.” The item cites Pattinson’s work schedule as what’s “come between him and returning as Edward Cullen.”
This is, of course, an April Fools’ Day joke.
But while it’s starting on fan sites whose regular visitors will see it for the harmless hoax it is, weguarantee some outlets get genuinely duped. After all: They don’t check facts the other 364 days of the year.
And even though it couldn’t be more obvious by the end of the item that it’s all a joke, some siteswon’t read past the first couple of paragraphsbefore breathlessly repeating them.
Some sites might not even read past the headline.
So if you come across rumor mongers citing a “quote” in which Pattinson talks about how much he’ll “miss being on set,” or a Summit spokesperson who supposedly expresses sadness before observing, “James Bond wasn’t always played by Sean Connery,” just remember: They’ve cobbled things together from an April Fools’ Day joke.
Kristen Stewart: One of the Top Actresses Under 30
April 1st, 2010 | Kristen Stewart | No Comments »Hollywood News announced their Top 10 Actresses Under the Age of 30, and Kristen Stewart makes the list at number 8. Here is what they said about Kristen!
Date of birth: April 9, 1990
Definitive role to date: Bella Swan in “Twilight” (2008) and “New Moon” (2009)
Other noteworthy roles: Sarah Altman in “Panic Room” (2002),
Melinda Sordino in “Speak” (2004),
Georgia in “The Cake Eaters” (2007),
Tracy Tatro in “Into the Wild” (2007),
Em Lewin in “Adventureland” (2009),
Joan Jett in “The Runaways” (2010),
Mallory in “Welcome to the Rileys” (2010)
Here is the full list:
1. Anne Hathaway, 27
2. Keira Knightley, 25
3. Natalie Portman, 29
4. Emily Blunt, 27
5. Evan Rachel Wood, 22
6. Michelle Williams, 29
7. Ellen Page, 23
8. Kristen Stewart, 19
9. Carey Mulligan, 24
10. Saoirse Ronan, 15
M. Night Shyamalan MAY Direct Breaking Dawn
March 31st, 2010 | Breaking Dawn | No Comments »Tags: Breaking Dawn, M. Night Shyamalan
A number of names have been thrown around about who may direct Breaking Dawn. Add M. Night Shyamalan to the list.
Read the article at MTV.
Here is an excerpt:
Well I’m here today to make things even more confusing. This isn’t an official possibility on the table for Summit — as far as we know — but a noteworthy filmmaker professed his love for Stephenie Meyer’s vampire series in a chat on the Kid’s Choice Awards red carpet over the weekend: M. Night Shyamalan.
“I would’ve loved to be– I love the series, and Catherine [Hardwicke's] movie, it was one of my favorite movies of that year,” he said. “Really, I thought tonally, it was a perfect movie. I called her up after I saw ‘Twilight’ and was like ‘That was amazing.’ So I’m a big fan.”
New Eclipse Book Cover
March 31st, 2010 | Eclipse | No Comments »Here is the new cover for the Twilight Saga Series: Eclipse!