“The first official movie poster from the Twilight Saga Eclipse was released by Summit Entertainment today. The poster features Bella Swan played by Kristen Stewart standing in between and in front of Edward Cullan played by Robert Pattinson and Jacob Black played by Taylor Lautner. The Eclipse Movie poster also features the tag line “It All Begins…With A Choice.” The Eclipse movie poster is the first official poster released by Summit other than the teaser movie poster released previously.”
Twilight News, Rumors, and Gossip
OFFICIAL Eclipse Movie Poster
March 23rd, 2010 | Twilight News | No Comments »Tags: Eclipse
What do you guys think?
It still keeps with the theme that was found in the book, and it’s rather dark and mysterious, in my opinion.
Robert Pattinson on The Today Show
March 1st, 2010 | Robert Pattinson | No Comments »Tags: The Today Show
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Rumors May Be True: Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart Together
February 23rd, 2010 | Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson | 1 Comment »Well, I can see all of us were waiting for GossipCop to deny this! The Sun reported that Robert Pattinson (Edward Cullen) admitted that he is dating Kristen Stewart (Bella Swan). The word “together” can imply MANY things! Read below.
We then contacted many, many more individuals, including the author of the explosive interview published in The Sun, “R-Patz admits: I AM with K-Stew.”
Unlike numerous other sites which took the interview at face value and never fact checked, including Hollyscoop (“Robert Pattinson Confirms He’s Dating Kristen Stewart) and HollywoodLife (“Finally, Kristen! Your boyfriend R-Patz ADMITS you are a couple!”), Gossip Cop verified with the reporter — more than once over the course of a few hours — what was and wasn’t said on Sunday.
The reporter told Gossip Cop Pattinson “didn’t say ‘we are a couple,’” adding that “he wasn’t going to spell it out in great detail.”
What the reporter did ask during the post-BAFTAs dinner, where Pattinson was several feet away from Stewart for this Q&A, was, “Is this a public appearance together?”
The reporter told Gossip Cop Pattinson replied, “We are together.”
When Gossip Cop pressed him on whether Pattinson’s response meant he and Stewart were a couple, the reporter said, “That’s my assumption from what he said.”
OK, so Pattinson never actually said they were “a couple.”
The Sun claims Pattinson “admitted” he and Stewart were a couple. But that is not the case.
Read the rest here.
Dakota Fanning 16th Birthday Bash
February 22nd, 2010 | Dakota Fanning | 1 Comment »New Moon star Dakota Fanning celebrated her 16th birthday with a low-key party in Los Angeles on February 20 at Beverly Hills, Villa Blanca.
Her actually birthday is not until February 23, but her birthday party was filled with 40 guests made up of friends and family.
Fanning later enjoyed a 3-tier birthday cake, but when asked about driving soon she stated, “‘I don’t even have [a] permit.”
Easy Purchase for NEW MOON
February 21st, 2010 | Twilight News | No Comments »Will be reposted March 22, when available.
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