Taylor Lautner News

Interview Magazine: Taylor Lautner Spread

August 6th, 2009 | Taylor Lautner, Twilight News | No Comments »

A few posts down, I told you guys that there would be a photoshoot release of Taylor Lautner in Interview Magazine come August.
Well it has finally arrived! Here is one of the many great photos of Taylor, and you can see more on their site HERE.


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MTV Interview with Chris Wentz

August 4th, 2009 | Chris Wentz, Twilight News | No Comments »
Tags: Chris Wentz, Dakota Fanning, ,

MTV got an interview with Chris Wentz where they discuss Jacob (as he cracks a few jokes) and Dakota Fanning as Jane.

Here is the actual Interview:
MTV: We all remember that there was a lot of drama around whether Taylor would return for “New Moon.” How close did he come to not being asked back?

Weitz: When I first met with him, I took off my shirt and I said, “You’ve got two months to look this good.” And he said, “I’m willing to try that.” Finally, he came back, and the results were just about as good as my abs. [Laughs.]

MTV: You must have a real six-pack.

Weitz: To answer your question seriously, the character in the second book is meant to be 6-foot-5, let alone transform into a werewolf and all that stuff. And Taylor, having only done three days of work in the first [movie], it was time to take a pause and say, “Should Taylor go ahead and do it?” My overwhelming feeling was, “Yes, absolutely, let’s go forward with it.” To me, it wasn’t a very difficult decision. For Taylor, it wasn’t difficult at all. He knew the character, and he embodied the character — as people are going to see in the movie. So it wasn’t really as tense and as scary a moment as it was portrayed in the media.

MTV: What can you tell us about Dakota Fanning’s performance as the evil vampire Jane?

Weitz: Well, it’s the scariest performance probably you’ve seen out of her so far, because she’s evil for once in her career. I think she really appreciated the chance to do that.

MTV: Yeah, she must turn that “adorable Dakota Fanning” thing on its ear.

Weitz: Absolutely. But what you expect from Dakota Fanning is uncannily grown-up, experienced and clever acting — and that’s what she did. I think she was just keen to do this part and to be part of the franchise, and she is genuinely scary.

You can read more here.

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Taylor on Taylor

July 31st, 2009 | Taylor Lautner | 3 Comments »
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Look at these Taylor’s (Swift and Lautner) exchanging a kiss on the set of their new film Valentine’s Day . This is so strange seeing him out of the Twilight scene (and not kissing Bella).

In the film, Lautner plays a trackstar. Watch here to see his amazingly SWIFT (no pun intended) fall.

ShowHype: hype it up!

Top 10 Reveals of New Moon

July 28th, 2009 | Kristen Stewart, New Moon, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner, Twilight News | 2 Comments »
Tags: chris weitz, , , ,

Comic-con is finally a wrap! Over the course of this week, fans have been able to get a great inside look to the new addition to the Twilight series, as well as some amazing sneak peeks. Rotten Tomatoes did an awesome conclusion with “Top 10 Reveals of New Moon”

1. Summit Entertainment knows its audience, evidenced by the two scenes they brought to Comic-Con.

2. Director Chris Weitz will use a lot of dialogue straight from the book.

3. Taylor Lautner is the press-friendly celebrity star that New Moon needed.

4. Kristen Stewart knows that Bella is a head case in New Moon.

5. A year later, Kristen Stewart’s life is just as crazy and her answers just as wry as they were during Twilight.

6. The New Moon kids like it when their characters suffer

7.  Kristen Stewart can’t wait to have Rob Pattinson’s baby! (Just kidding.)

8. If you post a New Moon reaction video to YouTube, Chris Weitz is probably watching it right now.

9. Twilight fanaticism was as strong as ever this year.

10. The anti-Twilight backlash finally has a name!

To read the in depth paragraphs for each of the top 10, check out the website here

ShowHype: hype it up!

5 Things You DIDN’T Know about Taylor Lautner

July 22nd, 2009 | Taylor Lautner, Twilight News | No Comments »

In Style just finished shooting Taylor Lautner for their “Man of the Year” issue which will be released in December, they also posted a few stats that us fans do not know about Mr. Lautner.

1. He doesn’t have a Facebook or Twitter account, though he says plenty of people pose as him online.
2. He’s a major Red Bull fan and drank it throughout our shoot.
3. His favorite band, U2, is performing in Vancouver this summer, where he’ll be shooting Eclipse!
4. He can’t live without his leather jacket, so stylist Matthew Edelstein pulled this John Varvatos jacket for the shoot [In style's].
5. He drives a black BMW 5 series but is more into football than cars.

The full interview will also be available this November.
Taylor Lautner and Robert Pattinson seem to be winning awards left and right. Keep it up guys!

ShowHype: hype it up!

Dance Taylor, Dance!

July 21st, 2009 | Taylor Lautner, Twilight News | No Comments »

Pre-Twilight, Little Taylor Lautner seemed to be quite the dancing machine. Taylor is seriously busting some moves in this clip, check it out!

ShowHype: hype it up!

And How Did Taylor Lautner Get SO Jacked?

July 19th, 2009 | Taylor Lautner, Twilight News | No Comments »
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In the Fandango “New Moon” movie set report, Taylor Lautner revealed his intense workout plans. He is training like a true athlete!


Taylor stated, “I’d wake up and my trainer would be like, ‘You need to have six egg whites, bacon, and toast. It became a lot. That was the hardest part, especially putting something in my mouth every two hours. At one point, my trainer was literally like, ‘Put anything in your mouth! Go to McDonald’s. Get the biggest shake possible. I just need get calories in you!’ Because my body fat at that time was only 7 ½ percent.”

In the recent interview with Interview Magazine (a few posts down), Taylor stated, “The day I finished Twilight, I came home and started bulking up. For New Moon, I’m 30 pounds heavier than I was in Twilight.”

In the Twilight series, Jacob continually grows at a fast rate. He is supposed to be even BIGGER in the future film, Eclipse. His next goal: gaining another 10 pounds of muscle. Hope he enjoys milkshakes!

ShowHype: hype it up!

Taylor Lautner Interview

July 16th, 2009 | Taylor Lautner, Twilight News | No Comments »

Taylor Lautner gave a phenominal interview with Interview Magazine. Not only is there a three-page interview with quite the photo spead, but there is also a quick video debrief. Check out the rest of the Taylor Lautner interview here, as well as the video!

ShowHype: hype it up!